Top 10 brain damaging habits

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6 . Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells..

7. Head Covered While Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working Your Brain During Illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in Stimulating Thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.


Beetroot is a root vegetable that belongs to the goosefoot family, which also includes sugar beet, spinach, and swiss chard.This deep red coloured vegetable will not only stain your clothes but also your body with nutritious benefits.Research has found that beetroot has natural properties that clean the kidneys and gall bladder.The potassium in beetroot provides nourishment to the body, which is need for daily functions while chlorine cleans the liver and kidney.
The vegetable also has positive effects on the digestive system as it helps in the treatment of digestive disorders and problems like jaundice, nausea and vomiting.Beetroot blended together with carrot juice is extremely beneficial in building the red corpuscles thereby helping in treating low vitality and anaemia. the beauty of beetroot is that it can be eaten raw or cooked by either baking, boiling or frying. with all these nutritious benefits, why not stain your body with beetroot?


Unhealthy Foods:

Battered and deep fried foods
Sugary sodas &juice
Carbonated soft drinks
Processed lunch meats&fastfood
Greasy snack chips &fries
White bread and refined pasta
Most canned spaghetti and ravioli
Sugary breakfast cereals
Frozen fried chicken, fish sticks and corn dogs

Healthy Foods:

Green and brightly colored vegetables
Dark leafy greens and lettuce
Fresh fruits and berries
Lean turkey and chicken
Nuts, dried fruits and healthy snacks
Whole grain breads and pasta
Healthy cooking oils like canola and olive oils
Grass fed beef and bison
Cold water oily ocean fish
Low fat milk or soy beverages
Nuts, seeds, and legumes


Fruit salad is a special dish containing several types of fruits and served in a liquid. Fruit salads are the common appetizer. However, it has great significance in our lives depending on the amount taken. Here are some of the facts that prove its importance:

Calories – Fresh fruit salads contain 96 calories which is exact 4.8 percent of daily value for complete calories. Usually, DV requires a duet of 2,000 calories each day. The fruit salads serve perfect amount of calories. It gets 82 calories from carbohydrates, 10 calories from fat and 4 calories from protein.

Carbohydrates – The fresh fruit salad contains perfect balance of 18 g carbohydrate, which is consolidated with 13g sugars, 3g dietary fiber, and 2g complex carbohydrates. Completely, it provides 6 percent of the total DV needed for dietary fiber.

Fat and protein – Fruit salad contains 1 g of fat which is exact equal to 2 percent of DV for total fat our body needed. Moreover, it doesn’t contain trans-fat or saturated fat that can be harmful for the human body. It also contains 1 g of protein which is suitable for the body.

Vitamins and mineral – Fruit salad contains various vitamins and minerals that can preserve your health and make you stronger and healthier. It helps to prevent several types of vitamins deficiency and other variables that can cause diseases.

Adding fruit salads in your diet would be the best way to prevent diseases and enhance health factors. They are also very delectable so it can serve as the best dessert for your meal.
Usually, it is a perfect blend of various natural fruits and vegetables that contains numbers of minerals and vitamins and other imperative properties needed for the body.
It is a natural way to stay healthy and strong. Most of the people find it useful in reducing the fat and gaining energy for workouts.
It can be used as the vitamin and mineral supplement mixed with numerous essential properties.
It helps to digest the food and prevents acidity and constipation.

Eating salad is very beneficial for the health and it provides proper nutrition to the human body. There are specific recipes available that will help people in losing weight by eating fruit salads frequently.

Important points that must be considered while preparing fruit salad:

Never mix fruits in huge amount. Usually, not more than 4 fruits otherwise, you will find that flavors of all the fruits are lost.
Try to choose the mixture of textures just like crisp cubes of the apple and soft mango in your salad.

Check that all the ingredients are prepared before instigating the process.

The fruit salad has multiple imperative properties that make it must have part of every meal. Moreover, you can surprise your guests by serving daily new fruit salads dishes on the dining table. There are numerous online recipes available to read or download. You can easily avail the services from there and enjoy your salad dish making.

What is Network Marketing part 2

The Compensation Plan
Compensation plans are ultimately the way in which you get paid in a network marketing business and therefore it is important that you understand how they work. In this chapter we will teach you how to understand a network marketing pay plan and in particular discuss the 4 basic compensation structures listed below. This chapter will also evaluate the benefits and limitations of each of the common pay plan structures and help you to indentify the best compensation plan.
The 4 basic compensation plan structures include:
• UniLevel Plan
• Stair-Step Breakaway Plan
• Forced Matrix Plan
• Binary Plan
How to Understand a Compensation Plan
Despite the fact that every network marketing companys compensation plan is different, most plans are based around one of the 4 basic structures. The main difference between the pay plans using the same structure is that they vary in the commissions paid and in additional bonuses.
Although some network marketing companies claim to have a better compensation plan, we strongly encourage you not to join a network marketing company purely based on what their compensation plan has to offer. Instead, focus on the complete package which includes the products, the practicality of the business opportunity and the fairness of the compensation plan.
On this page we will teach you how to understand a compensation plan. Given that every compensation plan is different, some of the terminology may be different to the plans you have previously looked at. Also, please bare in mind that not all the information on this page will be relevant to every plan.
To understand any compensation plan in its entirety, you need to first understand some basic concepts and jargon that is commonly used by people in the network marketing industry. Such terms might include sponsor, business centre, width, depth, levels, legs, upline, downline, crossline, point value, volume, commission, bonuses and organisation. These terms may look a little intimidating at first, but dont be discouraged, well talk you through them and then towards the end evaluate the different plans available.
The sponsor is the person responsible for introducing and signing you up with their network marketing company. Your sponsor is also the person responsible for making sure that you receive adequate training and support to help you succeed.
Distributor and Associates
You become a distributor once you sign the paperwork and join the network marketing company. Some companies may refer to their distributors as associates. These terms will be used interchangeably throughout this website.
Business Centre
When you first join a network marketing company you are given a business centre which then entitles you to get paid a commission in reward for the work your organisation achieves. The organisation refers to both yourself and all the members (distributors) that you and your team have sponsored. Think of your organisation like a big department store where all the shops inside are independently owned and operated. Although you are not the boss of each shop, as they are independently owned, you do earn a profit from their work. Likewise, in network marketing the more work your organisation does the more you get paid inturn. The diagram below illustrates both a business centre and your organisation.

Upline and Downline
Two of the most common terms used in network marketing are upline and downline.
Upline refers to all the individual distributors sponsored directly above you. Although upline distributors should provide training and support to the members of their organisation and help them become successful, their individual sponsoring efforts will normally have little or no impact on your commission cheque.
Downline refers to the individuals who have joined your organisation and are positioned below you in the compensation structure. Although you are encouraged to support your downline distributors, essentially each member of your downline owns and operates their organisation independently.
Level refers to the position of a distributor in a downline relative to an upline distributor. As demonstrated in the diagram below those highlighted would be referred to as 2nd level distributors as they sit 2 levels below your business centre in the compensation structure. Naturally those frontline distributors who are positioned directly below you could also be referred to as 1st level distributors.
Every frontline or first level distributor that you sponsor into your organisation forms a new leg. For example, in the diagram below there are 3 frontline distributors and therefore 3 legs (2 outside legs and a middle leg). If it was a 4 x 6 plan there would be 4 legs (2 outside legs and two middle legs). In some plans where there are a large number of frontline distributors these legs are often numbered from left to right 1st leg, 2nd leg, 3rd leg,…etc.


Another way to look at the legs of your business is that each leg represents a new organisation that is owned and operated by your frontline distributors. By helping your frontline distributors build their organisation, this helps you to build one of your legs and therefore can help strengthen your organisation.


Many network marketing companies offer bonuses as part of their compensation plan as a way of attracting people to join their business model. These bonuses are normally in the form of a bigger pay cheque, however in recent years there have been a number of new companies that are now offering car and travel bonuses. It is important to understand that normally these bonuses only come to those who achieve a certain level of success, hence there is normally a fair amount of groundwork involved before you are entitled to earn such bonuses.

What is the Best Plan?
Every compensation plan has both benefits and drawbacks, some of which are discussed in the links on this page. When it comes to recommending the best plan it really depends on what previous experience you have had in the industry. Given our experience in the industry with a number of different compensation plans we tend to lean towards the fairer of the compensation plans.
A good point to remember when it comes to joining a network marketing company, what the compensation plan has to offer is only part of the equation. When evaluating network marketing companies we suggest you look at the entire package which includes the products, the comapany, leadership of the company and practicality of the business model.

What is the Best Compensation Plan?
To determine the best compensation plan, there are a number of factors that should be considered. Some compensation structures are more suited towards those confident in their recruiting ability and those with industry experience, while others are more supportive to people that are new to the industry, part-timers and the so called “average” distributors. On this page we will discuss a list of factors that you can use to help identify a good compensation plan.
The difficult part when evaluating the best compensation plan is not to listen to peoples opinion because you find when you ask someone in the industry what they think is the best compensation plan, they will almost certainly respond with the compensation plan used by their current company. In particular they will highlight features that they find attractive and have found to be a good selling point. However, if you were to ask the same distributors what they know about other compensation plan models; it is usually followed by a blank look on their face and the fact that they know very little about other plans. Because the Network Marketing Industry is highly competitive, where individual companies are consistently trying to out-promote each other, it is not uncommon for companies to use propaganda by promoting their compensation plan as being the best in the industry. Additionally since all network marketing companies have a compensation plan, it allows for companies that sell different types of products (eg vitamins, technology, insurance etc) to use their compensation plan as a means for comparison and as a benchmark for success against both direct and indirect competitors within the industry.
So what is the best compensation plan?
In order to evaluate all of the differently compensation plans objectively to determine the best you would not only need a PHD but also a full time job to do it. Making it even more difficult is the fact that a number of network marketing companies are not willing to reveal their financials to third parties (therefore you cannot properly evaluate their compensation plan) and whilst some compensation plans might look good on paper, unless you have had practical experience working with them, it would be impossible to give a proper analysis. Whilst many network marketing companies and distributors claim to have the “best compensation plan” this is a very subjective statement and they will generally have little evidence to support their claims.
So whilst it is almost impossible to determine the best compensation plan, what we can do is to provide you with a list of features that you should be looking for to see if the compensation plan is right for you.
Finding the Best Compensation Plan for You
Important note: If you are new to the industry the first thing to consider when reviewing any network marketing company is the product line. It doesn’t matter how good the compensation plan is, if you’re not passionate about the products or services they have to offer and / or you would not feel comfortable promoting them, then it will be difficult to reap the rewards of even the best compensation plan.
In this chapter we have already discussed each of the 4 main compensation structures and highlighted that they all have both pros and cons.
The best compensation plan will be easy to understand and to explain
The basic principle of any good compensation play should be both easy to understand and with a little training it should also be relatively easy for a new distributor to explain. As a general rule the more complicated a compensation plan is, the harder it will be to explain. If your prospects can see that your comp plan is easy to understand and explain, they themselves will feel more confident in their ability to join your business.
The best compensation plan will have a proven track record
Any good compensation plan should have a proven track record. If the company has been around for 5 years or more then there is a fair chance that the company’s business model is sustainable and that the company is in a reasonably good financial position to provide you with a stable long term business. Be cautious of ground opportunities that have not yet proven to be sustainable or have a compensation structure that is new and untested.
The Company will be financially transparent.
A good network marketing company will be financially transparent and be able to provide you with a breakdown of their compensation plan. You should be able to find out what percentage of gross income are returned to the distributors, is allocated towards research and development, go towards manufacturing of products and towards company profits. All publicly traded companies have to be transparent and will provide this information in their annual reports. If the company is not publicly traded we suggest you do your homework and contact the company directly for the relevant information. Be cautious of any company that is not willing to provide this information.
Additionally once you have this information look at the big picture and not just at how much is being returned back to the distributors. For example if the company is returning a high percentage of profits back to the distributors, but is manufacturing a cheap product and is not making any profits for themselves they are unlikely to be sustainable in the long term. Most proven sustainable network marketing companies that we have reviewed are returning at least 35-40% of their income back to their distributors through commissions.
Another important consideration is the percentage of company profits being put aside for future research and development. Why is this important? Well you want to be partnered with a company that is cutting edge and continually evolving with the marketplace. You don’t want to be left promoting a product that is no longer in demand. Additionally this can help your company to improve their market position
The best compensation plan should be evenly weighted?
The best compensation plan should not be overly weighted (i.e. front-end loaded) towards signing new associates. In some cases these type of pay plans border on pyramid schemes. These types of compensation plans make it hard to earn a good income without having to constantly recruit new distributors. Even after achieving a level of success with these plans you will find it difficult to earn a passive income, instead you will feel like you have a full time job as a ‘sponsor monster’.
Instead look for a compensation plan that rewards the development and maintenance of a customer base, as this is the only way to create a truly residual income. Additionally the pay plan should reward hard work, not those that get in first. (I.e. it must fair and equitable).
The best compensation plan will be fair to all distributers?
The best compensation plan will reward hard work. It should not matter when or where you enter the company’s compensation structure, you should have the same earning opportunity as everyone else. Remember if you are rewarded for getting in early that only makes it harder for everyone else that joins your team which is not sustainable. The best compensation plan should be the fairest and provide equal opportunity for anyone who wants to put in consistent effort.
Evaluate Any Bonuses Carefully
A word of caution about bonuses, whilst a lot of modern day network marketing companies offer attractive bonuses (cars, travel etc.) to entice new comers and encourage recruitment, it should be remembered that in order to achieve these bonuses your business must first reach a certain level of success. Not everyone will go on to achieve these bonuses and as a general rule the more impressive the bonus looks, the greater amount of success you have to achieve to earn it.
Whilst bonuses can still offer incentives the fairest bonuses are those that come in the form of a percentage of extra income. For example those distributors who are responsible for the greatest percentage of weekly sales and business growth should be entitled to the greatest percentage of bonuses in the form of extra income. These may take the form of leadership or fast growth bonuses added to commission payouts to the distributor.
The best compensation plan will be practical for you?
One final thing to consider when evaluating the compensation plan is whether you believe you are capable of meeting its requirement for success. Establishing your frontline is often considered to be the first milestone and therefore a good question to be asking is how many people will you need to personally sponsor to establish your frontline and earn a your first commission with the company?
Because the Unilevel and Stair-Step Breakaway plans have unlimited width restrictions, you will generally be required to personally sponsor a large number of frontline distributors to earn a good income, therefore these plans are best suited for those who are confident in their ability to actively recruit new distributors upon joining.
With the Binary Plan and some ‘narrow’ Matrix Plans there is generally less emphasis placed on personally recruiting new distributors (ie you don’t have to personally recruit as many new distributors to fulfil your frontline), but instead there is generally more effort required in helping (training and support) new distributors to establish their business. These plans are generally more supportive and rewarding for building teamwork.
In summary Network Marketing Business School encourages you to pick a Network Marketing Company that not only provides you with the best opportunity, but one that is also supportive to your future work colleagues (downline distributors). Additionally as stated previously in this chapter, although it is important to consider the compensation plan when evaluating which Network Marketing Company to join, the product range and practicality of the company’s business model should be heavily weighted in your final decision.
Some of benefits include:
• Financial Freedom
• High Income Business Opportunities
• Be Your Own Boss
• Success Driven Industry
• Significant Tax Advantages
• Low Financial Risk
• Time Freedom
• Gaining Business Experience
There are also many additional benefits to joining a network marketing company that are often initially overlooked. When I first joined the network marketing industry I had no experience in business management, having never owned a business before. The education and training that I received as part of my initial investment was priceless! In return for a low investment I gained both the knowledge and experience required to run a business. In fact, soon after starting my first network marketing business I started a number of other unrelated business ventures, simply riding on the back of the training and knowledge that I received from joining the network marketing industry.
The personal development that you can gain operating a home based business can be very rewarding. You very quickly discover your weaknesses, but with the right training and mentoring these can be turned into strengths, which again can benefit all areas of your life and not just your business. I remember seeing some of the big guns in personal development like Dr. Dennis Waitley speak for the first time, wow!!
The network of colleagues you develop in network marketing is invaluable. In our current team we have a wide range of skills including medical staff, academic doctors, engineers, tradespeople, retail, administration, teachers, uni students, photographers, professional athletes, personal trainers, business owners, accountants, lawyers, parents and many more. As you can imagine having a close network of people with such skills has many benefits that extends to aspects of your life outside of your business. To look at the broad range of skills and knowledge that makes up our team is amazing. I’m sure you can imagine the types of conversations that we share at our social events. Naturally a network of skilled colleagues means that there is always someone to call on for advice in any given field of expertise.
So many people make decisions about network marketing based purely on the financial aspect of the business, what they fail to realise are the additional benefits that can extend far past that. I encourage you to broaden your mind and take full advantage of the home business benefits that are presented to you. We hope this ‘Best Compensation Plan’ page has helped to provide insight in what to look for when evaluating compensation plans. We wish you the best of luck



What is Network Marketing?

Today i will be  talking about  network marketing,as  many people  are still novice  to this  opportunity that has  made alot of  people  millionaires

Network Marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a legitimate business model that uses direct selling and relationship referrals as a method of selling a company’s products or services. In a typical networking model, individual associates (often referred to as distributors) essentially contract or act like a franchisee to the parent company and are paid a commission based on the volume of product or services that are sold as a result of their own organisations efforts.
To fully appreciate this home-based business opportunity, we encourage you to look at it from the perspective of both the company as well as that of the business operator.

Why Would Companies Choose to use the Network Marketing Distribution Model?
Just like any other company that sells goods or services the ultimate goal of a network marketing company is to make sales and increase its customer base. In a traditional manufacturing company who sell their products to the general public there is normally a large amount of costs associated with advertising and distributing their product (ie the middleman is responsible for a lot of the cost), before it is then sold at a retail outlet who again add a profit margin.
Instead of using the traditional method of manufacturing and delivering their products, MLM companies choose to bypass the middleman, selling direct to the customer. They use referrals and a word-of-mouth approach to develop their customer base as opposed to a large advertising budget and as such the money that would normally go to the middleman and advertising can now be used to reward business operators (distributors) a commission for helping the company to make a sale.
There are a number of reasons why many companies are now choosing to use this increasingly popular business model. Firstly, it allows start up companies to build a customer base through referrals without having to try to outspend their competitors advertising budget. Essentially network marketing levels the playing field and allows small businesses the same opportunity as their competing international heavy weights. It also allows the manufacturing company to build a relationship direct with their customers creating better customer satisfaction and loyalty. Selling direct to the customer and bypassing the middleman also helps the customer to save money (without compromising quality), which additionally makes their products more appealing.
What Makes MLM Attractive to a Home-based Business Operator?
There are a number of benefits to operating a networking business, many in which are discussed in detail throughout this webpage. Arguably the biggest attraction to joining the industry is that in return for a low risk investment you have the potential to earn a very rewarding residual stream of income whilst enjoying the time freedom to significantly improve your quality of life.
To fully appreciate how this home-based business opportunity can lead to a lifetime of financial freedom please refer to the chapter on creating wealth.

History of Network Marketing
The history of network marketing originates back to the 1940s where a company trading under the name of California Vitamins discovered they could make more sales when they had a lot of sales representatives selling a small amount of product each, compared to the traditional business model, of trying to have a few sales representatives selling a lot. California Vitamins also discovered that most of their growing customer base was made up of the friends and family of their existing sales representatives who had essentially referred them to the company as they were impressed with their product line.
New sales representatives were then created from existing satisfied customers and a commission based system was developed. Both teams and individuals were rewarded according to their sales efforts and as a result network marketing was born. The same company later changed their trading name to Nutrilite Food Supplement Corporation.
In 1959 Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel founded the company Amway which was an abbreviation for the term the American way. Amway from day one was based on the same network marketing concept. Almost 50 years later Amway is a well established network marketing company operating in more than 80 countries around the world and with more than 3 million business operators.
Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos

Currently it is estimated that there are more than 50 million people worldwide involved in network marketing with almost 100 billion in annual wholesale revenue. Given the history of network marketing and its rapidly growing popularity, the network marketing industry is recognised as one of the fastest growing industries in the world today and is predicted to have significant growth well into the future as more and more companies are choosing to capitalise on this networking trend and choose to sell their products direct to the consumer. This emerging trend is also being driven by a wave of entrepreneurs who continue to drive the concept of improving quality of life and working from home.
Although the history of network marketing dates back to the 1940s it is only now that the industry has come of age. Network marketing has now grown to the point where it is creating more millionaires today than the dot com boom industry did before the bubble burst.
The history of network marketing has stood the test of time and over the past 50 years has proven itself to be a successful distribution model and home-based business opportunity. The industry itself is now currently being endorsed by many business leaders as a proven system for anyone who wishes to achieve financial success. It is not surprising that network marketing is now one of the fastest growing industries of all time with an estimated 150 000 people just like you, joining the industry every single week.
Given the proven history of the network marketing business model and the emerging business trends the timing could not be better to capitalize on this trend and we encourage all entrepreneurs looking for a home-based business opportunity to seriously consider a network marketing business.



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