Joints and Bones care

Its important to Know your bones and joints. wondering why you need them? Because You need them to carry on vital activities such as to protect internal organs of the body to conduct a variety of movements,as well as to produce blood cells. Osteoporosis: definition: osteoporosis occurs when too much calcium is removed from the bone framework and the bones becomes brittle and fracture more easily. it is most common in women after menopause,but may also developed in men, causes: osteoporosis is caused by excessive bone resorption and inadequate formation of new bone,many factors like decrease of estrogen in women( e.g as a result of menopause) lack of calcium or vitamin D,lack of physical activity, result in osteoporosis. Signs and symptoms: inclination to fracture, Arthritis( rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis) definition: arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body and characterized by pain of the back, neck, hip, knee or feet. Causes: Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are most common forms of arthritis with similar symptoms and different causes Comparison between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis: Symptoms: pains in smaller joints like fingers, wrists, knees and elbows. Causes: immune system attacks body tissues Age group: mostly people age 20yrs and above. Osteoarthritis: Symptoms: pains in the larger joints like the back, hip or knee. Causes: daily wear and tear of the joint. Age group: diseases of the elderly Supplements: 1.athropower, 2 spinsure pills, 3.calcium,4. joint health, 5.compound marrow powder. To order contact: Da pretty herbalist,