Most girls(even married ones)don’t understand this because of the heavy grammars used in educating them on this issue. We don’t listen to our body too atimes. Personally, i don’t understand this before but with time as I read, I started listening to my body too for signs and here I arrived in simple analysis/steps. MENSTRUAL PERIOD:The time blood flows out of you, which causes you to use pad. MENSTRUAL CYCLE:How many days it takes to see another blood in the month. Example,if you saw your period last month June 11th and it came yesterday 10th July 2017, You have 30days Cycle (counting from 11 June to 10July). NOTE:We are made to believe its 28days cycle, that’s a lie. Different women, different cycles ranging from 21-35days. OVULATION PERIOD: This is the time of getting pregnant fast without stress, it’s two weeks after your period or two weeks before the next period. Here’s a simple way to calculate your ovulation period(unsafe period) 1. From the first day you see the blood of your period. 2. Pick up a calendar and count 15days including the first day of the blood stain. 3. Mark the 15th day with a pen(circle it). 4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day 5. Mark 3 days after the 15th day 6. You will notice you have 7 days marked. These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days also known as unsafe period. Meaning if you have sex on any of these days then you have 98% chances of being pregnant. 7.Do these every month and try and abide by these rules EVERY OTHER DAY IS YOUR SAFE PERIOD For example: 1. If your period is today 11th July, 2017, 2. 15 days after the first day of the blood stain will be on 25th of this July too(2weeks after) counting from 11th. 3. 15th day is on the 25th July 2017. 4. 3days before the 15th day which is 22,23,24. 5. 3days after 25th July 2017 which is 26,27,28. 6.22th – 28th July(7days) is when you are ovulating and it’s your fertile period. Don’t forget that these 7days is to remind you that Sperm stays in the female body for up-to 7 days(a week), any sexual contact in between ovulation period will form something that has ears, eyes etc Now, if you want to have a baby girl, have sex between 3days before ovulation (22- 24) 2017. For baby boy will be 25 (main ovulation day) and 3days after 25th. THESE ARE MAJOR SIGNS THAT WILL TELL YOU, YOUR OVULATION IS AROUND. You don’t need a doctor, just relax after two weeks you feel the following. 1.Headache 2.Body temperature rises (sometimes you touch a girl and her body is hot but she is not sick) 3.Dizziness(feeling of tiredness and sleepiness ) 4.Breast tenderness/size increases just like when you are menstruating. 5.Increased sex drive(sugar body) 6.Light cramping or pain on one side of the pelvis 7.Abdominal bloating. 8.Heightened sense of smell, taste or vision(you eat more too). 9.Vagina mucus becomes slippery N/B:The instance I gave here is for ladies with 30days cycle, And someone who saw her period this month July 2017. If yours is 28 then it’s 14days instead of 15days Anytime you have headache without a cause check back when your period arrived, nothing to worry about just get maltina and milk mix both,drink and relax.. Stop rushing to pharmacist always on issues that can be naturally handled. Drugs are not always good on we girls. From the moment I understood ovulation problems, I stayed off drug.You can take paracetamol only. MEN,read and educate your wives, some mothers don’t know this, she can use this method as a form of birth control than pills. SINGLE GUYS, help your sisters at home (I know you will want me to say, help girlfriends, For more inquiries if you still don’t understand this long write up please! Kindly download OVULATION CALCULATOR APP in your phone or buy ovulation predictor kit #Da Pretty herbalist

Remedies for Body odour

Body Odor is a very big concern among young people especially, who feel embarrassed when their mates tell them that they smell I have got plenty messages asking me how this can be cured. Occasional, mild body odor is normal, but excessive or unpleasant body odor can be a source of great discomfort for others and very embarrassing for you.

What causes Body odor ?

1, Sweating Strong and unpleasant odor emanates from the body when the sweat glands are overactive. But it is not sweat that causes body odor. While sweat itself is virtually odorless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the products related to bacteria breakdown of keratin protein on the surface of your skin The bacteria that cause odor grow quickly and multiply in a warm, moist environment. so is bacteria activity that cause the smell. This happes more when the individual sweats a lot so is the bacteria activity that causes the odor, when you sweat and do not clean your body very well and wash your cloths you are bound to smell.

2.Metabolic disorder This a condition in which your body cant breakdown certain compounds present in protein – rich foods, This result your body producing bad odor when you breathe , pea or sweat .

3. Extreme constipation when your digestion is not working properly, your gut process produces smelly chemicals that make you smell badly.

Remedies for Body Odor. Preventive Measures

1. The best way to fight body odor is through prevention. For most teens, proper hygiene — like washing very well and applying an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant — should be enough. Wash with soap and shampo all the areas that sweat accumulates- your armpit, neck, anus and private areas,

2. Keep your underarms dry. Bacteria have a hard time breeding in dry areas of the body.

3 Wash your cloths, undies Bra etc If sweat from working out is your No. 1 cause of body odor, wash your workout clothes often. Sweaty gym clothes are a bacteria-breeding ground.

4 Shaving your underarm regularly will help prevent the accumulation of bacteria and can reduce sweat and odor. Home Remedies There are also simple and natural home remedies that get rid of body odor by controlling the growth of bacteria and reducing excessive sweating and dieting. I will consider only three here.

1.Baking Soda As baking soda helps absorb moisture from the skin, it can absorb sweat and reduce body odor. Plus, it kills bacteria and works like a natural deodorant. Mix one tablespoon each of baking soda and lemon juice. Apply it to your underarms and other body parts where you sweat excessively. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and wash it off with water; do not scrub. Then take a shower or bath. Do this once daily for a few weeks.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is a powerful bacteria-fighting ingredient. It also helps eliminate body odor by balancing the pH level of your skin. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on your underarms. Wait two to three minutes and then take your shower. Follow this remedy twice daily, once in the morning and again before going to bed, until you notice improvement. Alternatively, add one cup of apple cider vinegar to lukewarm bath water. Soak in this water for 10 minutes once daily. You can also add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar along with a little honey to a glass of warm water. Drink it three times daily before eating your meal

3, Tomatoes have antiseptic properties that can kill bacteria that cause body odor. They also help shrink pores and reduce sweating. Gently crush seven to eight tomatoes. Press the crushed tomatoes on a sieve to extract the juice. Add this freshly extracted juice to a bucket full of water. Use it to take your bath. Follow this remedy once daily to control body odor.

You can also drink one to two glasses of tomato juice daily to reduce body odor If you like this post, share it , like it and make comments. Watch out for more POST #Da Pretty herbalist

Apple cider vinegar to treat staphylococcus 

Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat STAPHYLOCOCCUS
Apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for staph infection due to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It helps fight the bacteria and promotes quick healing. In addition, it boosts your immune system to fight as well as prevent further infection.

Mix equal amounts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and clean water. Use the solution to clean the wound once or twice daily for a few days.
Also, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 2 times daily. You can also add a little raw honey to it.

Leaking out sperm

SPERM LEAKAGE Can A Woman Still Conceive If Sperm Leaks Out After Having Sex?
Sperm leakage or dripping is a big concern to couples having problem conceiving. It is common to worry when you notice that your partner’s sperm leaks out of you after having intercourse. If all the sperm is leaking out, won’t that negatively affect your chances of conceiving? The good news is that that semen leakage does not dampen your chances of getting pregnant at all. In fact, Planned Parenthood explains that once the sperm has entered your body, there is virtually nothing that you can do to get the sperm out again. They are in there . Semen and Sperm – some difference When your partner ejaculates in you, the semen is a combination of sperm (only about 2-5% of the total volume) and other liquids from your partner’s reproductive system which help energize and keep the sperm safe from sometimes the harsh vaginal ecosystem . The leakage of the semen after sex is not abnormal and happens with every lady. Can Women become Pregnant even after leakage ? You can still certainly become pregnant, even if it feels like ‘everything’ is coming out afterwards. The strongest and fastest sperm will have stayed behind and be well on their way to fertilize your egg by the time you stand up or go to the bathroom after having sex. While it is worrisome, you only need one very strong and quick sperm to fertilize your egg. For a man with normal sperm count, each ejaculation has at least 20 million sperm in it! This means that even if most of the sperm does leak out of you, there will still be a large number of sperm still swimming around inside you However the following can be detrimental to couples trying to conceive .
1, Infection
2, sperm quality
3, Stress
If you have an untreated bacterial or fungal stds It can cause inflammation in the pelvic and tracts leading to the uterus and distort the flow of sperm to the area and cause conception problem . Yeast infection creates a very acidic environment for the sperm to thrive and therefore destroys the sperm and make it difficult for fertilization to take place. Quality of the male sperm is very important in conception too. The motility of the sperm cells are of utmost importance. When the sperm analysis shows that the sperm has more immobile sperm cells, then there is a problem. The less active motile sperm cells a man has, the more difficult it is for the sperm to make it through the cervix after ejaculation. A sluggish and tired sperm will not be able to swim through the cervices to the Fallopian tube to fertilize the egg The better the quality of the sperm the better their chances of making it through after sex and also for conception to take place . Many men blame on their wives and refuse to run sperm analysis. It is a wise thing to do the needful if need be and stop blaming your wife. Go run a test and know the status of your sperm. Eat vegetables, cucumber, fruits such as avocados, banana , watermelon, nuts such as tiger nuts and walnuts to improve the quality of your sperm. Stress is also an enemy to getting pregnant . Though for a woman looking for a baby is not avoidable , however it should be manged properly so as to reduce its negative effect. finally, sperm linkage is not unusual after sex but if you worry to much about this you can take some of the following steps,
1,After intercourse, place a couple of pillows under your hips to elevate them. This technique utilizes gravity to help those little swimmers swim faster to reach the cervix and move into the uterus and fallopian tube If the egg is ready and waiting, then fertilization is definitely a possibility
2. Play with your partner for a few minutes after sex.
According to WebMD, lying in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse can help provide ample time for the sperm to reach the cervix.
Just remember, only one good sperm is needed, so it is perfectly OK if some leak out after having sex but ensure you dont have untreated infection hanging around.
If like this post, share it, make comments or ask questions . Look out for another post
God bless and live healthy.#Da Pretty herbalist

4 Herbs that kill Candida 


Candida overgrowth is very common and disruptive to our system.. 

Whether you are battling full-blown candida overgrowth or simply want to prevent future infections from occurring, herbs are a powerful tool for naturally keeping candida at bay. Here`s a list of 4 highly effective herbal remedies for candida:


Garlic is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Candida cannot survive when garlic is present, 

so consistency is the key. Garlic can simply be added to your normal meals, but most find it more convenient (and less odorous) to take standardized garlic capsules three times per day.


Used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine, neem is known for stimulating the immune system and fighting infections and fungal overgrowth. It is also a potent detoxifier. Neem oil can also be applied topically as needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Not quite an herb (but too effective to leave off this list), apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of your body and can prevent harmful pathogens like candida from growing out of control.

A teaspoon to a tablespoon taken before each meal can aid digestion and prevent undigested food particles from feeding candida in the gut.

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both candida overgrowth and a parasitical infection.

Coconut Oil

Also not an herb, but coconut oil`s anti-candida properties are too powerful to ignore. 

The medium chain fatty acids that make coconut oil such a great energy source are also what fuel its ability to fight candida.

Fatty acids like caprylic acid and lauric acid are potent antifungal agents. Work up to taking three tablespoons of coconut oil per day to harness its anti-candida power.

Also avoid starchy foods, sugar, and junk foods that creates environment for candida to thrive.


Hot Flushes in Women 

Hot Flashes in Women – 3 Home Remedies 

This is a problem common with our women especially those moving towards menopause. It comes with many challenges. In this post, we examine what it is, causes and natural remedies for dealing with it—- Happy reading 🙂

Hot flashes refer to sudden and intense hot sensations on your face and upper body. Often hot flashes are preceded or accompanied by other symptoms, such as a rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, headache, weakness or a feeling of suffocation.

Hot flashes are most common in women going through menopause, the time when the menstrual periods stop and many hormonal changes are occurring in the body. The decrease in estrogen in the body that accompanies menopause is the main cause of hot flashes.

Factors like obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, excessive stress, warm baths, saunas, eating spicy foods, and excessive drinking may worsen the symptoms.

Hot flashes can be very uncomfortable as well as annoying as they can distract you from work, cause excessive sweating and make it harder to sleep properly at night, even leading to insomnia.

If you are having problems leading a normal life due to hot flashes, you can get treatment for them. You can opt for medications, therapies or try some simple home remedies.

Home Remedies 

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very helpful in treating hot flashes. Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar helps regulate toxins that the body is trying to eliminate through perspiration. This in turn reduces the incidence and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats.

Dilute one to two tablespoons of organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, vegetable juice or fruit juice.

Drink it once or twice daily until the symptoms subside.

The remaining two will be here tomorrow, stick with us for the concluding part #Da Pretty herbalist 

Food as Medicine 


I was talking to a group of people yesterday on the importance of eating good food, as food is medicine for the body. If you really want to achieve healthy living, it is necessary to be conscious of what goes into your mouth.. Did you know that blueberries can increase brain longevity? That kiwi fruit can be an excellent weapon for battling cancer and heart disease? That pears can help prevent fibroid tumors?

Before the introduction of modern medicine the ancient men relied solely on plants and Herbs to cure aliments, even our fathers did same too. I remember growing up in the 70and 80s my grandfather hardly takes pill. Any time he is sick he will plug different leaves of plants, cook them, use their water to bath as well as drink them. He lived above 100 years. In three days you will see him up and running again.

This is also how we were treated of aliments like malaria fever then. My mum will cook different leaves of plants mix together Papaw , Mango, Dogoyaro ( Neem tree), and others We will use the substance to bath and the steam coming from the cooked leaves you will be made to inhale it. You will be covered with a blanket together with the pot of the boiled substances so that you can inhale the steam. This method was then very effective for malaria treatment.

These medicinal herbs are still with us today however our emphasis on orthodox Medical treatments have relegated our natural herbs and its values to the background. We need our scientist to really wake up. It is very important that we learn more about the usefulness of plants and vegetables we call weeds in our backyard or by the side of our gate. You can treat illness with such plants. Plants you can grow as flowers in your compound are Rose, Marigold, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Hibiscus, Garden egg, Evening flower, Guava, Papaw, Water leaf, Okro, Pumpkin and other green Vegetables.

It is very important that we learn more about the usefulness of plants and vegetables we call weeds in our backyard or by the side of our gate. You can treat illness with such plants. Plants you can grow as flowers in your compound are Rose, Marigold, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Hibiscus, Garden egg, Evening flower, Guava, Pawpaw, Water leaf, Okro, Pumpkin and other green Vegetables.

Some of the vegetables above are used both for food and medicine. A) Water leaf- This vegetable as we know is used for the preparation of Edikaikong (vegetable) soup, a Nigerian cuisine. If well prepared it acts as food and medicine. Water leave is good for the treatment of indigestion, dry skin, bone problem, cardiovascular etc. B) Okro – this vegetable has a enough silicon and selenium which is food for the hair and skin. It is also medicinal food for impotent men.

C) Pumpkin this is a good provider of vitamin B, which gives strength while the seed is very rich in Vitamin E, which helps the reproductive and cardiovascular system.

D) Pawpaw the leaves is good for the treatment of malaria fever, indigestion while the seed can be used for the treatment of fever, ulcer and skin infection We will do a post on the medicinal values of our local plants in future. . We should take care to prepare our food in the Kitchen to enable the food retain its natural medicinal value. Wash your vegetable before you blend them. If you blend them before you wash which is what many people do, you have thrown away the medicinal value When you cook vegetables with high heat or fire, you have destroyed the medicinal value. It is time to go back to the basics to discover what made our grand, grand parents lived so long. It is time to go back to our herbs, our vegetables and fruits.Good morning from Da pretty herbalist # Goodhealthispriceless#herbs4health#supplements4health#herbal#organic#stayhealthy#Bejoliehealthplace#MensHealth#womenshealth

Products of the Week 

Alternative impotence treatments holistically address sexual enhancement. They can improve blood flow to the penis, maintain stronger and longer erections, increase sex drive, enhance sensation, and increase stamina. These formulas have multiple therapeutic benefits and can contribute to overall health and wellbeing by increasing vitality and energy. Herbal formulas are often blended with a mixture of additional amino acids, vitamins, and nutrients. The diverse ingredients used in these formulas work together to promote whole health without unwanted side effects. They contain herbs that can help calm the nerves, increase blood flow to the penis, improve the circulatory system, and improve and increase the hormone levels which naturally decrease with age. Some of the formulas contain natural substances that are a source of nitrogen molecules, which aid in the production of nitric oxide – one of the primary factors required to trigger an erection.
Natural impotence treatment is a safe and effective way to improve your sex life and can be beneficial to whole health. Remember the importance of safe sex and a healthy sexual lifestyle as you regain your sexual function naturally.
A nutritional supplement designed to treat the causes of male impotence. Formulated from 100% natural substances derived from a variety of herbs well known for centuries for their ability to treat male impotence. Improves sex drive, enhances erectile capacity, increases sexual stamina and staying power, improves control over ejaculation and enhances orgasm and enjoyment. Contains fermented egg, Radix Ginseng americana, cordyceps, male silk moth, and other natural ingredients. 
4.VIGO CAPSULE – for Men
This is 100% herbal product for men that want to enhance their sexual performance. Is good for men with sexual weakness, impotence, premature or quick ejaculation and weak erection
 5.Staminex is an all-natural blend of herbs and nutrients formulated to help promote sexual stamina and performance. This formula includes powerful nutraceuticals to promote peak experiences and enhance sexual pleasure. Staminex is a liquid shot performance enhancer that is sugar-free, fat-free, and has no carbohydrates.
Staminex contains horny goat weed, which has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years to help support reproductive health in both men and women as well as to help promote normal erective function in men. Tribulus terestris may help support a healthy cardiovascular system as well as promote good reproductive health in both men and women by helping maintain the body’s natural ability to regulate hormone levels. Caffeine is present in this formula as  a natural stimulant that helps to reduce fatigue and increase alertness, while dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) may help improve mood. Also included is catuaba, which may help promote healthy sexual desire as well as supporting reproductive health. Additionally, Yohimbe extract may help promote healthy blood flow and erectile health and function, while gamma amino butyric acid may help promote normal arousal.
A blend of non-essential amino acids is also present in this formula. L-arginine may help support circulatory and cardiovascular health, which in turn can help support men’s reproductive health and function. L-tyrosine may help promote the body’s natural ability to have and maintain an erection. L-taurine may help support natural energy levels.
6. WOMEN FORMULA- for ladies 

I00% herbal product for women to improve their sexual potency. It increases sex drive, energy, stamina and endurance, restore longer n stronger sexual enjoyment. For women experiencing weakness, frigidity and those who want better sexual performance and enjoyment. No side effect

If you need any of the product, inbox me or call: 08188576603