Hypertension the silent killer

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is defined as a state of persistent abnormally high blood pressure. Exact causes cannot always be determined, but there are some factors known to increase blood pressure including: obesity, heredity, diet, water retention, alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and excessive stimulant use. Ultimately, hypertension has negative effects on the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes and can contribute to the development of heart attacks and stroke. People with very high blood pressure can experience pulsating headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. High blood pressure-also known as hypertension or “the silent killer”-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow. 90-95% of cases are known as primary hypertension, which is hypertension with no underlying medical cause. The small left-over percentage is caused by conditions such as kidney disease. But what is this mysterious silent killer? Blood and its circulation are vital to sustain life. They supply crucial nutrients and oxygen to all the cells and organs in our body. They also remove waste and carbon dioxide. When the heart beats it creates pressure that pushes blood through your arteries and veins. This pressure, if you haven’t guessed, is our blood pressure. Two forces pump the blood through our bodies, the first being created by the heart pumping blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests between beats and blood is drawn back into the muscle. When your blood pressure rises, damage can occur that upsets this system. If you have hypertension, your heart has to work extra hard to pump blood through the body. And while healthy arteries are made of semi-flexible muscle, the force of high blood pressure will lead to overstretching their walls. This overstretching can lead to tiny tears in blood vessels (known as vascular scarring) that leaves tissue that catch things such as cholesterol/plaque, and other blood cells. Building off of the latter, this leads to an increased risk of blood clots. The walls will also become weakened over time. Tissue damage from being oxygen depleted occurs in parts of the arteries on the other side of a blockage or build-up of plaque, depriving it of fresh oxygenated blood, and heart attacks and strokes are the result if the pressure becomes too high. Common questions Asked

Q- What can I do to treat hypertension? • Lose weight if needed. • Reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake. • Limit or fully eliminate use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol • Add fiber to diet and increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, magnesium, and potassium. • Eat cold-water fish that are rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. • Reduce lifestyle stress and learn healthy techniques for dealing with stress. • Take any blood pressure medications recommended by your doctor. • Regularly check your blood pressure. Generally a blood pressure reading of 120/80 or less is considered healthy. Before starting drug therapy, try lifestyle changes and some home remedies for high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, things such as diet and exercise play a big role in lowering blood pressure, so always keep those two things at the forefront of your mind. Medications can be harsh, and while best avoided if possible, if you are on them, know that natural remedies can interfere with their functioning,watch out for the concluding part of this topic #Da Pretty herbalist

Hypertension the silent killer (conclusion)

Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure

1. Cut the Salt

Salt is not the problem when it comes to high blood pressure, per say, but rather its chemical component sodium. A little bit is fine, but too much sodium disrupts the balance of fluid in the body. To “flush” the excess salt from your system, water is drawn from surrounding tissues. The higher volume of liquid results in the heart working harder to pump the blood-hence, high blood pressure. Sure we use a lot of table salt on our foods, but still, that amount isn’t enough to account for the rise in blood pressure. Actually, only 6% of our salt consumption comes from the table shaker. The vast amounts of salt we consume daily (on average 1-2 generous teaspoons) couldn’t possibly be caused by the salt we sprinkle on our food alone. No you have to dig a little bit more to get to the source-processed foods. Such an extraordinary quantity of excess salt is added into processed foods it’s easy to stray over the healthy limit of sodium intake. A specific example-a single microwave “roast turkey” meal can have salt in the meat, the flavoring, the gravy, the stuffing, and the potatoes, to equal a whopping 5,400 milligrams of sodium. The utmost maximum daily limited is listed at 2,300 milligrams-even less for African Americans, men, and anyone over the age of 51. If you fall into one of those categories, you should only consume less than ½ teaspoon a day. Even foods that are labeled low-fat or low in sugar can still contain a boatload of sodium. Food companies do this to, logically, increase the value of their products. We get hooked on the flavor. Of all the flavors (sweet, sour, etc.,) it is the hardest to live without. How do you fight it to lower your blood pressure? You will need… -the power of will Directions In short, slowly add less and less to your cooking. And of course, read the labels on the food you buy carefully. Remember the number 2,300 for daily intake of sodium-any higher than that, and it’s a no-go. You’ll find yourself turning to home cooked meals, where you can control the amount of salt added, instead of processed foods. Stick with it, and you will find if you go back to an excess amount of salt after adjusting your taste buds to less, you will be close to repulsed at the flavor. Intensive research has shown that the more salt you eat, the more you need. If you eat less salt, you only need to add less to your food or have less in your food, to be satisfied with a smaller amount. We are not born liking salt. A baby will get joy from a droplet of sugar water, but there is no taste, no craving, for salt until 6 months of age. When studied children were fed salty foods, versus children who ate more fruits and vegetables, a craving was created in the former group where none existed before. These cravings can shape you’re eating habits for years. Soups, chips, crackers, pizza, sauces, fries, etc. etc., it’s easy for even the young generations to get hooked on salt at an early age. Keep your wits about you!

2. Sip Some Hibiscus

Cultures across the world have used hibiscus to naturally manage blood pressure, but it wasn’t until the past decade that studies were actually conducted that showed there was more to the remedy than just folklore. First, hibiscus acts as a diuretic, which draws sodium from the bloodstream, thus decreasing the pressure on the arterial walls. Even more interesting is how it can mimic angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors are a common group of pharmaceutical drugs used to treat high blood pressure. They work by hampering the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which plays a crucial role in the renin-angiotensin system- a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance. As a result of this inhibition, blood vessels relax and blood volume is lowered, decreasing blood pressure. While certainly not as potent as those ACE drugs prescribed, it can still be surprisingly effective. You will need… -1-2 teaspoon of dried hibiscus -1 cup of fresh, piping hot water -Honey, lemon, or 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional) Directions Bring water to a boil and add the hibiscus and cinnamon sticks (if using them) and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Add honey or lemon to taste, and drink 2-3 times daily. This also makes a lovely iced tea for those sticky hot summer days.

3. Drink Coconut

Water Coconut water is found inside the shell of green, unripe coconuts that retains its natural benefits in organic and raw form. It contains potassium and magnesium, both of which relate to regular muscle function, and of course, the heart is a big giant muscle. While there have been some limited studies on the effect of coconut water on hypertension, many people report anecdotally that it has helped lower blood pressure. In studies, it seemed to particularly affectsystolic blood pressure, or the force that takes place when the heart pumps blood away from it. If you don’t have a problem with coconut water, it may prove to be a solid remedy for you. You will need… -8 ounces of fresh, organic coconut water Directions Drink 8 ounces 1-2 times daily. Morning is ideal if you drink it once a day, while morning and night works well if you opt to drink it twice a day.

4. Fabulous Fish

Oil Of course this is on here! You may roll your eyes because you’ve seen it everywhere, but fish oil and its bountiful omega-3 fatty acids are a beautiful thing when it comes to your heart. While studies have been wishy-washy on whether or not it actually reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes, it has been viewed as successful when it comes to lowering blood pressure, while also reducing triglycerides and increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Heart transplant patients have been given fish oil to reduce the risk of hypertension following a transplant. You will need… -High quality fish oil Directions I prefer liquid fish oil taken in orange juice to the pills which can have some…unpleasant side effects. Take the amount appropriate for you as indicated on the back of the bottle.

5. Heart Healthy Hawthorn Hawthorn is a staple herb when it comes to heart health as it is rich in flavonoids, namely, oligomeric procyandins (OPC’s) and quercetin. Flavonoids are touted as having many benefits, but one of the most intensely studied conditions that it affects is various forms of heart disease. This includes arrhythmia, palpitations, improve the function of capillaries, regulate glucosemetabolism and, of course, reduce arterial blood pressure and the risk of hypertension. There are several different mechanical actions that flavonoids can take on the blood, but pertaining to hypertension the most important may be the widening of the blood vessels, which ultimately reduces the pressure of the blood. You can enjoy hawthorn in the form of a tea or in the form of “balls”, which is what is given below. The recipe also calls for cinnamon and ginger, which are great for helping circulation flow smoothly. It was the herbalist Rosemary Gladstar who taught me how to make these wonderful herbal balls, and while I’ve tweaked the recipe some, I’ll forever be grateful to her for tuning me into this wonderful way of enjoying herbal medicine! You will need… -4 tablespoons of powdered hawthorn berry -1/2-1 tablespoons of cinnamon powder -Raw honey -Water -Cocoa or carob powder Directions Place the cinnamon and hawthorn powder in a bowl and mix the two together. Add just enough honey and water to make a paste. Thicken the mixture with cocoa powder or carob powder until it has formed a dough that you can cleanly roll into small balls no bigger than your index fingernail. Place them on a cookie sheet and dry in an oven at a very low temperature (not more than 150 degrees Fahrenheit) until dry. Store indefinitely in a glass jar out of direct sunlight and in a cool place.

6. Exercise Along with diet, exercise should really be number one on this list. Nothing can replace what exercise does for the body, and in a society where we are becoming increasingly sedentary, it can take a bit more effort to get out and get moving-but it’s worth it, especially if you have high blood pressure. The heart is a muscle, and it will grow stronger with exercise. It becomes easier to pump blood and takes less effort, keeping your heart in better condition and lowering how much force it exerts on your arteries, thus lowering blood pressure. Exercise is, in many cases, all that you need to get your blood pressure back on track. The top number in a blood pressure reading indicates systolic blood pressure, which is created by the heart pumping blood away from it. Exercise can lower this reading by an average of 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (a unit of pressure), which is easily as much as some prescription blood pressure medications. A pleasant side effect of exercise is weight loss, which also does your heart and arteries a great favor. You will need… -Willpower! Directions Try and get in at 30 minutes of exercise a day. You don’t have to run marathon-even simple chores like scrubbing the floors are good. Anything that gets your heart rate up and increases your rate of respiration. Make this a habit. You only get the benefits of exercise as long as you exercise.

7. Go For Garlic

Garlic is one of those home remedy staples. It is rich in beneficial constituents that address a wide range of ailments, once of which happens to be hypertension. There is just one little catch though. Allicin, the organosulphur-sulfur containing- compound responsible for several of garlic’s health benefits, doesn’t fare as well in the human body when garlic is eaten raw. Allicin is relatively unstable, and is typically deactivated when it comes in contact with a substance with a pH lower than 3, such as our stomach acid. However, when taken in tablet form, there is a guaranteed allicin yield that ensures you get the proper amount to have solid results when it comes to lowering blood pressure. Be sure when getting the tablets that there is a release of allicin in a significant, standardized amount-in several studies involved with blood pressure, 1.8 milligrams per dose lowered blood pressure by 10% within 12 weeks. You will need… -Good quality garlic tablets Directions Take as directed on the back of the bottle.

8. Melon in the Morning

Every morning, be faithful to watermelon. Often times watermelon as viewed as a strictly summer fruit, one for seed spitting contests and barbecues, but it can also help lower blood pressure. An organic compound called citrulline, an a-amino acid, was first isolated in 1914 from watermelon. Once ingested, the body can convert citrulline to the amino acid L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. To translate, citrulline-found in watermelon- is converted into arginine-essentially a chemical building block-which leads to the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide talks to various cells and systems in your body that regulates, among other things, how hard your blood gets pumped through your entire body-also known as vascular systematic resistance. It will widen blood vessels, which lowers vascular resistance, which ultimately lowers blood pressure. Imagine trying to pump a certain volume of liquid through a small opening versus a wider opening. The wider opening will allow it to flow smoothly and easily-it’s the same with blood cells! You will need… -1-2 cups of fresh water melon Directions Every morning eat your melon on an empty stomach. If you have a home blood pressure device, monitor yourself and observe the changes.

9. Ginger-Cardamom Tea

A study done in December of 2009 published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics gave a group of participants 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder daily for several weeks. The results showed a significant reduction in blood pressure. While further research is needed to pinpoint exactly why it seems to help, it has still proven itself a useful home remedy for high blood pressure. Combined with ginger and cinnamon, both warming spices that improve circulation, you can make a lovely tea to help your heart get healthy. Interestingly enough, black tea seems to improve blood pressure in some instances. This is most likely due to the heavy concentration of flavonoid, however if you have blood pressure that leans towards the more severe side of the scale; the caffeine may do more harm than good. This is particularly delightful warm, spicy, tea to have on chilly winter days (and when we’re tempted from eating healthier thanks to the holidays!) You will need… -1/2 cup of water -2-3 teaspoons of honey (or to taste) -1 teaspoon of cardamom pods -1/2 teaspoon ginger powder OR 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger -1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder -1 ½ tablespoons black tea or 1 teabag -1/2 cup milk -Mortar and pestle Directions Crush the cardamom pods to release the oil-there’s no need to grind them finely. In a saucepan combine all the ingredients except for the honey. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 6-9 minutes until you get a rich caramel brown color. Stir in honey and then strain into a mug and enjoy! Drink 1-2 times daily.

10. Cat’s Claw Decoction

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a woody climbing vine found in South and Central America, with its most notable use being in the Amazon rainforest. It is named after the thorns on the plant which are hooked, much like cats claws. It has been used as a traditional remedy in its native habitat for a long time, but test tube studies finally revealed evidence for promising benefits, one amongst them being lowering blood pressure. It does so by dilating the blood vessels (known as vasodilation) and therefore lowering the pressure by allowing blood to flow through more readily. It can also act as a mild diuretic, getting rid of unneeded salt and water in the body, which can again reduce hypertension. The tannins and flavonoid are most likely the main constituents that account for the herbs healing actions. Here it is made into a flavorful decoction that will give you all of its benefits. A decoction is essentially a tea, but is simmered for much longer as it is made from the woody, tough, fibrous parts of the plant such as roots or (in this case) bark. There are two things to keep in mind when searching for your herb-first, make sure its scientific name matches the one above (there are several other plants known as cats claw) and secondly, make sure it is from an ecologically sustainable Cats Claw should be avoided by women who are pregnant. You will need… -1-2 tablespoons of dried herb -1 ½-2 cups of cold water -Honey or lemon to taste Directions Place the herb and water in a small saucepan over low heat and bring to a slow simmer. Cover, and let it simmer for 40-45 minutes. Add more water (or less) depending on how concentrated you want the tea to be. Strain, add honey or lemon if desired, and drink once daily.

11. Beautiful Blueberry Syrup Syrups are, hands down, one of my most favorite ways of incorporating the benefits of herbs and spices into daily life. While the word “syrup” may make you think of something sickly sweet and heavy-the opposite of what you want for heart health-that isn’t the case here. The “syrup” that you see on grocery store shelves may not be the best, but made at home it is a wonderful (delicious) way to give yourself a natural boost. And if we’re honest with ourselves, sometimes choking down bitter tea makes it hard to stay on track with a remedy. Blueberries are rich in the flavonoid quercetin, the benefits of which are explained in remedy number 5, as it is also found in hawthorn. You can mix in elderberries for an extra heart healthy kick as well-surprise, surprise they’re good for more than just warding off the cold and flu! You will need…. -8 tablespoons of dried blueberries OR 4 tablespoons each of dried blueberries and elderberries. -4 cups of water -1 cup of honey -A pot, strainer, and glass jar with an airtight lid Directions Add the dried berries to the water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Continue to simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain the solids out, pressing on them to extract any extra juices, and pour the liquid back into the pot. Stir in the honey, warming the mixture just to ensure the two blend together thoroughly. Here there are two different paths you can take. For thicker syrup, heat the honey and berry juice over medium-high heat for 20 minutes. If you’d rather not cook the syrup, and are ok with one that is slightly thinner, skip this step. Once mixed, bottle and label and store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon twice daily.

Understanding Blood Pressure Reading

When the nurse wraps the cuff around your upper arm and then announces two seemingly random numbers, what’s going on? Two forces pump the blood through our bodies, the first being created by the heart contracts and pumps blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests between beats and the heart muscle is refilling with blood. These two forces are known as systole and diastole respectively, and are the numbers you see on a blood pressure reading. The systolic pressure is the top number (or the first one read) and is the higher number, and the second number is diastolic, and is the lower number. So the next time you get your blood pressure read, remember the first number is referring the force of blood being pumped away, and the second number is the heart at rest refilling with blood. The systolic number should be less than 120, while the diastolic number should be less than 80. Anything higher and you enter pre-hypertension and hypertension.#Da Pretty herbalist

Hormonal imbalance (conclusion)

Today we talk about the the lifestyle and diet changes you have to make in order to correct your hormones


-To keep the metabolism healthy, drink at least 6–8 glasses of water every day.

-Go for organic products. Say a big no to refined carbohydrates by not consuming processed and packaged food.

-Get a sleep of 8 hours to de-stress yourself, and indulge in activities that relaxes you.

-Take deep breaths or indulge in deep breathing exercise for fifteen minutes. It allows decreasing stress hormones and the body to function normally.

-Focus on nutrient-rich food and take meals at fixed time of the day. Go for green vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, cucumbers, kale, cilantro, etc.

-You can try for a detox bath with plenty of Epsom salts. It provides magnesium known for balancing hormones. The most antiseptic of all the spices, turmeric, balances hormones along with curing other ailments.


-Give up unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking that cause hormonal imbalance.

-Avoid intake of artificial hormones without consulting a doctor.

-Give up products containing caffeine as it increases cortisol levels that reduce thyroid function.

-Limit the use of plastic as it can affect your hormonal level.

–Remove vegetable oil from your diet. A large quantity of omega-6 fatty acid in it may disturb the hormone balance.

-Boycott soy products as they play havoc with hormone balance.

-Toxins present in the pesticides in our food can disturb our hormonal balance.

-Kick out sugary drinks and white sugar rich candies and conventional desserts

Supplements for effective treatment for hormonal imbalance #Da Pretty herbalist

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones are small messengers that move in through blood, and tell the organs and tissues to fulfill their functions. Although they are tiny, they affect our lives tremendously. A balanced state of hormones is important for healthy body and living. Main causes for hormonal imbalance are menopause, puberty orpremenstrual syndrome. Each hormone plays a unique role, and if the hormones are not secreted in the appropriate amount, then it disturbs the proper functioning of the body. Some common causes of hormonal imbalance are consumption of alcohol in excess, exposure to chemicals, an overdose of painkillers, inconsistent sleeping patterns. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance include weight gain, high blood pressure, depression, and fatigue. Although hormones are little things, they can cause havoc when they are out of balance. Hence, hormonal imbalance treatment becomes indispensable.

Home Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance

1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the production of hormones. They are beneficial for hormonal imbalance in women as they help reduce menstrual pain and menopausal symptoms

(1). These fatty acids help create healthy and responsive cell membranes, which causes a better adherence of hormones to the cell. It also makes sure that cellular receptor sites are working in the optimal condition and repaired if damaged. Food rich in omega3 fatty acid includes flax seeds, walnuts, olive oil, Chia seeds, winter squash, oily fish, soybeans, etc. So dwell on these foods to get the hormones balanced. Raw butter can also be a good choice as it consists of various fatty acids which are said to improve metabolism, have antimicrobial properties, and fight against bacteria. You can also opt for their supplements to balance your hormones.

2. Avocados

Avocados are rich sources of healthy mono-unsaturated fats (2). Also, they have high quantities of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, B-vitamins, and folic acid – all essential for maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Along with maintaining your hormonal levels, it also takes care of the cholesterol balance in your body.

3. Carrot

Carrots contain fiber that absorbs excess estrogen and flushes it out of your body. It plays a vital role in balancing hormones in both the genders. Carrot fiber also prevents estrogen from being reabsorbed in the intestine that usually happens when transit time is slow. This is important because too much estrogen (whether produced by the body, the diet or from exposure to xenoestrogens in the environment) can lead to all kinds of hormonal disruptions, including PMS, mood disorders, acne, and infertility (3).

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D affects our pituitary gland which releases many hormones. It helps in problems associated with reduced levels of estrogen. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to an abnormal secretion from parathyroid gland, which may affect your weight and appetite. Taking vitamin D is the simplest of all. Just get out for a ten minutes walk in the sun or have a sun bath. A little sunlight everyday will enhance your body’s natural rhythms, and provide you with vitamin D. Besides that, you can dwell onto food rich in vitamin D. Consuming oily fish, cod liver oil, milk, and eggs can enrich one with vitamin D.

5. Exercise

Working out keeps the body fit and healthy. The physical activity affects hormone production, thereby, balancing them. When you exercise, the levels of stress-causing hormone cortisol are decreased. This is helpful as the hormonal imbalance can cause mood swings. You can hit the gym for forty minutes on a regular basis or can sweat it out in dancing or while enjoying a sport with your friends. You can also opt for yoga and some relaxation techniques to reduce the stress.

6. Coconut Oil

This oil can be found in almost everyone’s house. It offers a multitude of benefits, be it cooking, massaging and treating various diseases. Coconut oil is proven to be helpful in getting the hormones balanced (4). Coconut oil also helps reduce your weight, improves immunity, balance blood sugar levels, and boost your metabolism. Two to three tablespoons of coconut oil should be incorporated into your diet on a daily basis. You can easily use it while cooking as it has a very high smoking point and is safe to be used as cooking oil. Note: Make sure that you choose extra-virgin coconut oil for consumption.

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds contain diosgenin, a phytoestrogen compound that seems to work like the hormone estrogen. Fenugreek has been used for many years as a form of natural hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women (5). Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of hot water for fifteen minutes. Strain the drink, and drink it twice or thrice a day. Add a small amount of honey and lemon to it for taste. Note: Sometimes fenugreek does not suit your body; in that case, one can try fennel seeds.

8. Magnesium

Magnesium is a powerful medicine for keeping hormones balanced. It prevents excessive cortisol and insulin. It is involved in the manufacture of steroid hormonessuch as progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. It is also essential for thyroid production. Magnesium also plays a role in preventing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Magnesium oil can be used topically as the mineral is better absorbed by the skin than the digestive tract.

9. Egg Yolks

Egg yolk provides nutrition to us. They have higher quantities of vitamin A and D. Vitamin D works as a natural steroid hormone in our body. Egg yolks are rich sources of selenium that converts thyroid hormones from the inactive state to active state. The cholesterol in egg yolks provides an important component of sex hormones that helps balance the hormonal quantities.

10. Gelatin

Gelatin balances the hormones and reduces stress due to the presence of magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. It regulates the level of amino acids and subdues estrogen predominance that causes monthly cramps in women and infertility in men. When amino acids are in equilibrium, they play a vital role in thyroid function, hormone production, and metabolic rate. It tends to reduce inflammation in your joints and has enough collagen to repair your skin.

Herbal Remedies to Cure Hormonal Imbalance

11. Basil

The herb acts as an effective medicine in curing stress, pain, fever, and protecting vital organs like liver as it possesses significant anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It controls the blood glucose level being a natural diabetes remedy and lowers the cortisol levels because a high level of cortisol can affect the ovaries, pancreas, and thyroid glands.The basil leaves are generally consumed in the tea form where the leaves are boiled in water for ten minutes, and then strained off. Drink a cup of this tea thrice a day. Alternatively, you can simply eat basil leaves on an empty stomach regularly for a few months.

12. Asian Ginseng

Asian ginseng is an adaptogen that keeps a check on hormonal imbalance. It regulates adrenaline that releases hormones related to stress. In addition to that, it provides relief from menopausal symptoms and increases sperm production also. Take 200mg of Asian ginseng extract daily for two weeks. It is better to consume this herb in cycles. So, resume the process again after taking a break of three weeks.

Note: Consult your doctor before consuming it if you are already on any kind of medication as it can interrupt with their functions.

13. Withania Somnifera Withania somnifera is used from ancient times for improving our health condition and is extremely beneficial for maintaining a desired amount of hormone levels. It reduces cortisol level and keeps the hormones in a balanced state. It is helpful to increase the production of androgens, testosterone, and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). It also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Withania somnifera has the quality of allowing hormones to easily bind to the cells. A pinch of this herb dissolved in water should be consumed twice a day.

14. Dong Quai

It is a fragrant plant that is found at high altitudes like in the mountains of China, Korea, and Japan. The root of the plant is being used for centuries to treat numerous problems such as menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, infertility, ulcers, joint pain, etc. (6). It helps balance the estrogen and progesterone levels that are too high or too low. This herb is also very useful to keep you healthy and youthful. Dong quai has anti-inflammatory and sedative qualities. A regular consumption of this herb can balance your hormones.

15. Black Cohosh

This plant is a good source of estrogen. The herb increases the hormones in certain parts of the body. Black cohosh behaves like estrogen in our body parts like the brain, bone, and vagina. Black cohosh is composed of glycosides and isoferulic acids that are supposed to help in the regulation of hormones. Note: Do not consume it if you are pregnant.

16. Chaste berry

The fruit of the chaste tree, chaste berry maintains the proper level of estrogen and progesterone. It maintains ovulation and helps with fertility. It is actively used for treating premenstrual syndrome and is known to stimulate the pituitary gland for the production of a hormone which makes the ovaries release progesterone. Chaste berry does not let prolactin be released and increases progesterone, maintaining a proper balance between estrogen and progesterone required for a healthy menstrual cycle. You can take this herb in the tincture form. Bio-active compounds in chaste berry include flavonoids, vitexin, casticin, alkanoids, and diterpenes. These compounds have been shown to improve hormonal balance and especially act on the pituitary gland. Note: It increases the menstrual flow. Hence, it should not be taken by pregnant women.

17. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto does not let the testosterone get converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by reducing 5-alpha reductase. DHT leads to oil formation, blocking the pores of the skin and making the hair thin. Saw palmetto also helps maintain the proper level of hormones during menstrual cycle and menopause.

18. Maca Root

Maca root also helps release hormones. It increases fertility and is helpful in treating libido. Maca root is packed with potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and essential fatty acids, and it befits the complete body. 1/4 teaspoon of maca root powder can be combined with water, milk, yogurt, juice, or herbal tea. The root should be consumed on a regular basis, and the amount can be gradually increased to 2 teaspoons. Take it routinely for a few months.

19.Herbal supplements:

Stick with us for the concluding part of this topic tomorrow #Da Pretty herbalist

10 Efficient Natural Remedies for Malaria

10 Efficient Natural Remedies for Malaria

1.Ginger: A common and popular treatment for malaria is the use of ginger; fortunately, ginger is easy to access, particularly in many tropical areas, and can be boiled down into a powerful decoction that will boost your immune system and help to speed the recovery process from the infection. Ginger and its active ingredients – gingerol and unique hydrocarbons – are known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities in the body, making this one of the most effective natural remedies.

2. Grapefruit: There is a powerful substance found in grapefruit, similar to quinine, that has been directly linked to neutralizing those malaria-inducing parasites. You can extract this substance for a concentrated dose, or simply add some delicious grapefruit to your daily diet. Grapefruits are widely available in tropical areas, and can do wonders for promoting overall health and rapid recovery.

3. Cinnamon: One of the best ways to get rid of malaria is to tackle its symptoms, namely fever, headaches and diarrhea. Cinnamon is a comprehensive remedy, as it can help to improve multiple symptoms of the disease at the same time. Cinnamon has a powerful organic component, cinnamaldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been connected to a reduction in malaria’s often violent and painful symptoms.

4.Citrus Fruits:

Although this is a rather vague suggestion, citrus fruits in general are often recommended for the treatment of malaria. Limes and lemonsare easy to get a hold of in many malaria hot spots, and the mixture of antioxidant compounds, vitamins andminerals can help eliminate fever, prevent the spread of the infection, and speed up the healing process. Mixing a few drops of lime and an entirely squeezed lemon into a glass of water is a popular approach, or just take a bite of those tart, healthy fruits!

5.Fever Nut: Fever nut is a popularherbal remedy in India and the surrounding countries, as the seeds of this nut contain powerful active ingredients that can help to break your fever and boost your immune system. When a fever breaks, it is essentially the first step towards recovery, and fever nut (as its name implies) has been helping people survive malaria for hundreds of years.

6.Holy Basil: To reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria, people have turned to holy basil for many years; eugenol is the active ingredient in holy basil, and is largely responsible for its therapeutic properties, helping to eliminate bacterial infections. Different parts of this plant are used for dozens of different Ayurvedic remedies, making it extremely important in Asian countries that deal with many malaria cases.

7.Orange Juice: Vitamin C is known as an incredible immune system booster, and this has certainly proven true in the treatment of malaria. Since it can be difficult to keep food down while suffering through malaria, many people choose to go on a water and orange juice diet, in order to keep the body hydrated and promote a concentrated immune system attack on the infection. After a few days of this, other foods can be added back in, but the antioxidant and immune-system boosting effects of vitamin C are often enough to kickstart the recovery process.

8.Warm Water Enema: Malaria can also infect the bowels, which is why diarrhea is such a common symptom, so it is important to keep the bowels clean, and not provide a new place for the parasite to thrive. A warm water enema can keep the bowels clean and healthy, while also cutting back on inflammation and discomfort during the many bathroom trips a malaria sufferer will inevitably need.

9.Mosquito Avoidance: The best way to treat malaria is to never catch it in the first place, but to avoid mosquitoes in the tropical world is difficult, to say the least. Powerful bug spray (specifically those good for mosquitoes) is essential if you’re spending anytime in the wilderness of these risky areas. Furthermore, you should add mosquito netting to your bed and windows, so you can sleep soundly, knowing that you won’t wake up in two weeks with the symptoms of malaria. You should also ensure that there are no large pools of standing water near your home, as those are the perfect places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs!

10.Natural Diet: After you get past the liquid flush diet and have your immune system back in action, you should switch to a purely natural diet of fruits for some time. This constant burst of natural fiber and vitamins, as well as the antibacterial and antibiotic properties of fruit, will help push yourself free of the illness and get back to living normally. Finally, adding fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts is the final phase of a natural malaria diet.

Herbal remedies for hoarse throat

Hoarse throat or laryngitis primarily provides obstruction in our daily smooth voice and can sometimes cause coughing and severe pain in the throat. The degree of pain varies from mild to severe. It hampers with the volume of our voice often causing a strange huskiness or raspiness to enter our dialect.Though not very hazardous to our body it is most certainly a nuisance, evading our way to lead a comfortable life. Hoarse throat results also in a parched throat which is what causes the severe bouts of coughing and irritation. Hoarse throat, caused by a large number of reasons, is not that difficult to treat especially with special home remedies. Over the counter drugs can also be used but these may show unwelcome side effects upon our body. Home remedies on the other hand involve the use of ingredients found right in our kitchen, removing the possibility of any kind of side effect.

but Here is a list of some simple but extremely effective home remedies for you to try.

Effective Home Remedies For Hoarseness

1.Black Pepper One of the best homemade remedies for hoarse throat is making the use of black pepper.

– For this kind of treatment you need to mix black pepper and clarified butter in the ratio one is to four. Then take in this mixture in one go. Use teaspoons to make your measurements. It will cause instant relief.

2.Apple Cider Vinegar If black pepper fails to work its magic this is the next remedy for you to try.

-Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to warm water. Mix well and then drink it. Repeat this procedure once in every seven hours. This is one of the age old remedies used for hoarse throat.


If apple cider vinegar doesn’t suit your needs there is always honey!

– For using honey you also need basil leaves. Add honey to sufficient quantity of juice of the basil leaves. Now mix them well. Take a spoonful of this mixture and lick it off. It should restore your voice almost instantaneously.

4.Salt Water

Gargle Gargling is the first thing that parents always suggest when they hear theraspy sound of your hoarse throat.Gargling with warm salt water twice daily is very helpful in restoring the fine tune of your voice. Salt reduces inflammation and irritation caused in the throat.

However be sure not to add too much salt to the water. Too much salt will aggravate your irritation rather than reduce it.

5. The Miraculous Lemon

Lemon juice is acidic and microorganisms causing irritation or hoarseness of throat can generally not exist in a very acidic environment. Thus, lemon is very helpful in curing a hoarse throat. Sucking on lemon pieces would be the best way of administering this medicine. However the extreme sourness of lemon makes this a very daunting task.

– Another far more feasible method is to use a lemon salt gargle. Salt increases the acidity of lemon thus aggravating its effectiveness in curing hoarse throat. Add a pinch of salt to the juice of one entire lemon. Mix it well. Now add a teaspoon of this mixture to a glass of water and heat it till the water is lukewarm. Now use this lukewarm solution to gargle. This is one of thebest home remedies to cure a hoarse throat. Lemon drops or hot lemon tea are also extremely helpful.

6. Soap And Hygiene

Laryngitis or hoarse throat is a kind of infection which is very much contagious. So if you are living with relatives already suffering from this disease you should make sure that you wash your hands regularly. Make them cough into a napkin and avoid contact with the germs that they are spreading by maintain a healthy and hygienic environment in your house.


Hot ginger tea not only helps with your hoarse throat, but once sweetened with honey, it is also very good to taste.

– To make this tea all you need to do is chop up your ginger in coins or small dices.Now add it to a cup of water and boil it till it begins to simmer. Now add your tea bags and let the tea brew before straining the entire mixture. Add honey for taste. Drinking this tea twice daily is very helpful with hoarse throat.Sucking on ginger candy is also a helpful home remedy.


Garlic is one of the best natural anti-bacterial agents. Garlic releases a substance called allicin which kills viruses and bacteria. So sucking on garlic cloves is another easy yet effective home remedy for treating sore throats.All you need to do for this kind of treatment is to cut up the garlic in two pieces and keep one cloves on each side of your mouth. The only problem caused by this treatment is the horrible garlic breath which persists after brushing several times.

9.Steam Treatment

Major cause of irritation in your throat and a raspy voice is the dryness of your throat. Dry winter air thus, aggravates your misery. Steam treatment is hence, a suitable way to begin your day. It gives your throat the moisture it is craving. To undergo this treatment you need to boil a pot of water till it is steaming hot. Now sit close to the pot and use a towel to capture the steam and inhale as much of it as you can.

10. Vinegar

As mentioned above pathogens can’t exist in a highly acidic atmosphere and vinegar like lemon is acidic enough to kill them. Gargling with a vinegar mixture is thus another way to heal your hoarse throat. To make this gargle mix vinegar and water in the ratio one is to one. Gargle with this mixture at least twice a day.

11.Staying Hydrated

Since dryness is one of the major causes of this problem staying hydrated at all times is a good choice. Drink as much water as you can. Besides keeping your throat moist water flushes out excess toxins from your body andstrengthens your immune system.