Eyes health

This week I will be talking Eye Health,

What are eye health problems that can occur?
Nearly everyone experiences some form of eye problem in their lives ranging from harmless eye twitches and itchy eyes to more serious disorders, such as cataracts. Eye troubles can be localized, or can be symptoms of disease, either in the eye itself or somewhere else in the body. These problems also include glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, arteriosclerotic retinopathy, eye strain/computer eye syndrome, poor night vision, dry eye syndrome, and short-sightedness.

What can you do to promote eye health?
Although it is best to address each eye problem specifically, there are some general steps you can take to enhance overall eye health.
• Eat a diet rich in proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Especially include: broccoli, raw cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, green vegetables, squash, watercress, and sunflower seeds.
• Eliminate sugar and white flour from your diet.
• Protect your eyes from over exposure to sunlight and wind.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Stop smoking, avoid tobacco smoke and other airborne irritants.
• Get plenty of rest. Also, take frequent breaks when reading or working at a computer to help reduce eye fatigue.
• Get regular, comprehensive eye examinations. Many eye diseases have no symptoms until their latter stages.
For more health related topics and supplements purchases contact da pretty herbalist

Corn silk

It’s that time of the year- corn season
🌽If you still keep the tradition of buying whole corn and have the joys of peeling completely you will find something called the cornsilk – you know that annoying thread that gets in between our teeth that we love to throw away?
🌽But do you know that corn silk is nature’s gift to us?
Corn silk is used to
🌽Treat bladder infections
🌽Inflammation of the urinary system
🌽Inflammation of the prostate
🌽Kidney stones
🌽Bed wetting
🌽High Blood Pressure
🌽High Cholesterol
🌽And best of all it’s almost free
How do you use corn silk
🌽First off please be sure it’s not GMO corn
🌽Peel off the corn cob and get as many stringy corn silk
🌽Wash thoroughly; make sure there aren’t any worms 🐛 or funky stuff in it
🌽You could use fresh or dried to make corn silk tea
🌽Warning we don’t recommend using just any corn except if you’re sure it’s not GMO

For those who don’t know what corn silk is

🌾The long shiny fibers at the top of an ear of corn are called corn silk
Corn silk is used for
🌾Bladder infections
🌾Inflammation of the prostate
🌾Inflammation of the urinary system
🌾Kidney stones
🌾Congestive heart failure
🌾High blood pressure
🌾High cholesterol levels
🌾High Blood sugar
🌾It can be given to children as a method of treating enuresis–more commonly known as bed wetting
🌾Who would have thought 🤷🏻‍♀️ that CORN SILK could be taken as a tea and has such intense benefits
🌾Large amounts of cornsilk for pregnant women is unsafe, because it might stimulate the uterus and cause a miscarriage
🌾Taking corn silk along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low; monitor your blood sugar while taking corn silk
🌾Ensure you use only organic cornsilk; the silk from conventional farms is likely loaded with pesticides that would be counterintuitive to our goal of increased health

Credit: thehealthplace


Calcium is an important Mineral in the body.
It is very important for bone health throughout ones life.
Calcium builds and maintain strong bones,teeth,heart,muscles, and nerves to function properly.

Calcium along with Vitamin D may have benefits beyond bone health.

Although diet is the best way to get calcium, Calcium supplement is an option if your diet falls short

Since your body doesn’t produce calcium you must get it through other sources like Diary foods(cheese,milk,yoghurt), Dark green leafy vegetables eg broccoli& kale, Fish with edible soft bones like sardines and salmon.

Daily Recommended dosage for Women&Men 19-50 is 1000mg while for Men ages 51-70 is 1000mg for Women ages 51-70 is 1200mg
Ages 71 & above is 1200mg…. Jhc stores is the number supplement store and the calcium we sell has been proven the best and has been in existence for 60 years…
So start ordering for your Calcium supplement

Types of supplements

We buy vitamins and other nutritional
supplements with the goal of improving our health, but do you know exactly what to look for, or what’s inside the bottle? Just because a supplement is labeled “all-natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe — or effective.
Before you buy any supplement, read through this list of frequently asked questions to make sure you’re buying a product that helps rather than harms your health.
What is a dietary supplement?
Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, enzymes, amino acids, or other dietary ingredients. You take these products by
mouth in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form to supplement your diet.

There are 2 different types of supplements:
1. Dietary products.

These have 1 or more ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, amino acids, and hormones. People do not need a prescription to purchase these. They can be bought in pharmacies, grocery stores, health food stores, and online. They may come as pills, capsules, tablets, liquids, creams, or powders.
2. Herbal, botanical, and other natural products. These contain plants or parts of plants . Other natural products might contain extracts from animals, such as toad or snake venom. These products may come in tablets, capsules, powders, liquids, and tea bags.

To be continued

10 reasons to take supplements

Nutrient deficiencies hurt your performance, causing DNA damage, making you age faster, and contributing to chronic disease. If that’s not convincing enough, here are 10 more reasons you should consider nutrient supplementation.
10 Reasons You Should Take Supplements
1. You Eat Crap a Standard nutrients stripped off Diet
Grains,legumes, and most forms of modern dairy are not food. The purpose of consuming food is to nourish the body and mind. These foods do the opposite.
First of all, grains , legumes, and conventional dairy are low in nutrients and difficult for a lot of people to digest. Grains and legumes contain phytic acid and other compounds that can interfere with nutrient absorption and can cause intestinal damage, which makes it even harder for your body to absorb nutrients . Even if you’ve stopped eating these foods, you may be in nutrient debt or have lingering intestinal damage which is interfering with nutrient absorption. Dairy, especially conventional dairy, is inflammatory and difficult to digest for many people. It also contains mycotoxins which are extremely inflammatory [6].
2. Soil Depletion
Improper farming practices deplete the soil of essential nutrients. When plants are repeatedly grown on the same land, the soil loses vitamins, minerals, and microbes faster than they can be replaced. Over time, the plants have fewer nutrients to grow. Fertilizer contains just enough nutrition for the plant to survive until harvesting, but not enough to support human health. In addition, most plants are not harvested fresh. They sit on trucks, shelves, and counters for weeks before being eaten. Over time, the nutrient content of these plants decreases.
Most modern fruits and vegetables are grown to increase their sugar content, not their nutrient value . As a result, the most common fruits and vegetables are artificially high in fructose and lower in key nutrients .
When plants contain fewer nutrients, the animals that eat these plants are also malnourished. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Health found copper levels in have dropped 90% in dairy, 55% in meat, and 76% in vegetables. Copper is an essential nutrient that helps to regulate several pathways in the body, including energy production and brain function .
3. Water Depletion
Water is also depleted of minerals due to modern production methods. There is a huge variation in the mineral content of bottled and tap water, with tap water generally having more . Most water filters remove important minerals such as magnesium, which is essential for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Up until recently, clean, unfiltered fresh water was the main source of magnesium for humans. Not anymore. Our water is filtered of essential minerals like magnesium, contaminated with chlorine, and fortified with potentially harmful chemicals like fluoride.
The filtration of precious minerals from water could explain why people who drink water higher in calcium than magnesium develop more myocardial infarcts and ischemic heart disease.
4. Low-Calorie Diets Are Low Nutrient Diets
I know this is a crazy idea, but starving yourself of key nutrients is bad. Consuming a low-calorie diet means you’re consuming fewer total micronutrients. As humans, we’re designed to consume large amounts of nutrient-dense calories to meet our body’s needs . When you’re constantly restricting your caloric intake, it’s easy to become malnourished. When you’re consuming low-quality foods, like pasteurized non-fat milk and other frankenfoods, you have to eat even more to obtain the right amounts of nutrition. That’s how you get fat. And just one more example of why food quality matters.
Animal foods are generally higher in calories and nutrients, so it’s no surprise that’s where the majority of calories came from in early human development Since the modern trend is to reduce the consumption of animal foods, people are consuming fewer nutrients per unit of food
5. Non-organic foods contain fewer nutrients
Non-organic, pesticide-treated vegetables are lower in cancer-fighting polyphenols than organic ones. This is because the plant produces polyphenols as a defense against bugs and pathogens. When there is no reason to defend themselves, the plant stops producing polyphenols and your body and brain suffer the consequences
There is also evidence that glyphosate – RoundUp herbicide – chelates minerals in crops on which it is sprayed. It remains to be seen how much of an impact this effect has, but it’s safe to avoid GMO foods for a variety of other reasons
Unfortunately, organic is not always possible due to financial or logistical reasons. Even when you can find organic foods, they aren’t necessarily better.
6. Grain-fed Meat & Cooked/Conventional Dairy
Compared to grass-fed meat , grain-fed meat is abysmally low in antioxidants, micronutrients, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins . Grains are not a food for humans or grazing animals. When herbivores are fed grains, they become malnourished , just like humans. Grain-fed meat and farmed seafood can also serve as a carrier for more toxins, which increases nutrient needs.
Raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed, full-fat dairy can be good for you, but the kind most people buy at the grocery store is not ok . The majority of nutrients in milk are found in the fat (cream). When you remove or reduce the fat, you are removing and reducing the nutrient content. Pasteurization destroys some of the nutrients in both skim and full-fat milk. Conventional dairy is also high in aflatoxin and other mycotoxins that were in the cattle’s feed
7. Toxin Exposure
Your body needs nutrients to deal with toxins. When more toxins are present, you need more nutrients. If you’re living in a cave or the garden of Eden, this will be less of a concern. If you’re like the rest of us mortals – you’re exposed to a litany of toxins on a daily basis.
Here are just some of the things your body has to contend with:
There are hundreds of other sources of unnatural stress that increase the body’s need for proper nutrition. Even if you’re doing everything right in terms of diet – it’s almost impossible to get all of your nutrients from food.
Our bodies weren’t designed to deal with these toxins using only nutrition from food. Instead, it’s good to support detox and methylation pathways with supplements.
8. Nutrient Absorption Declines With Age
Several studies have shown kids need more nutrients to support growth, and older people need more nutrients due to malabsorption. As you age, hydrochloric acid and digestive enzyme production naturally declines, making it difficult for you to break down and absorb nutrients from your foods. As you age, you also often begin taking medications which can interfere with nutrient absorption. This means you need to take more nutrients in the most absorbable form possible.
9. Exercise Increases Nutrient Needs
Athletes often think tons of exercise is the key to a long and healthy life (it’s not). They are among the first to denounce supplementation as unnecessary, often with the idea that exercise is the best medicine. I don’t advocate high amounts of exercise , but this is an important point. If you’re doing enough exercise to substantially deplete energy reserves, you’re also using more nutrients for energy production and recovery. As a result, athletes are at an even higher risk of nutrient deficiencies. Since many athletes eat a low nutrient, high toxin diet – this is a serious concern.
10. Supplementation May Help You Live Longer
Aging is a natural process, but it’s not fun. If there are supplements that can delay this process, why not take them? As long as there isn’t an undue risk of harm, it’s hard to justify avoiding a substance simply because our ancestors didn’t have access to it. There is good reason to believe a higher intake of nutrients may prolong life. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors may have been malnourished at certain times which is not beneficial. If supplements can buy you a few more years of quality life, why not take them?
If your diet is lacking in a particular nutrient, one option is to use dietary supplements. Supplements can help you meet your recommended dietary intake (RDI), which is the daily amount of a nutrient your body needs in order to function and remain healthy.

Importance of Supplements

Research finds our plates lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and D. It’s no wonder that more than half of us open a supplement bottle to get the nutrition we need. Many of us take supplements not just to make up for what we’re missing, but also because we hope to give ourselves an extra health boost—a preventive buffer to ward off disease.

Do you know that In many ways, supplements are to humans what fertilizer is to plants. Give a plant adequate amounts of sunlight and water, and it will survive. Add some nutrient-rich fertilizer (organic, of course), and the plant will thrive.
For us humans, the same principle applies. A healthful, balanced diet supplies the body with sufficient nutrients to carry out routine tasks. Supplements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and more enrich the body’s internal environment to fortify cellular protection, repair, and regeneration and support the Renewal process.
Even with a lousy diet, we can remain fairly healthy through our first 30 to 40 years of life. But if we want to achieve optimum health and maximum life span, the nutritional bare bones just won’t cut it. We need to eat nutritious foods, and we need to take supplements.

Diet is not the sole force behind the national plague of nutrient deficiencies.
Other factors include the following:
Alcohol consumption (depletes B vitamins, vitamin C, most minerals, and antioxidants)
Allergies and infections (deplete vitamins A and C and zinc, among other nutrients)
Exposure to air pollutants and other toxins (depletes antioxidants)
Smoking (depletes antioxidants)
Stress (depletes all nutrients, especially B vitamins and vitamin C)
Some people simply require more of certain nutrients than the general population does. Children and older adults tend to need a bit extra, as do pregnant women. Others with increased nutritional demands include those who diet and those who exercise strenuously.
Then, too, some foods that we eat because we think they’re healthful have actually been stripped of their nutrients before they get to our plates. Whole wheat loses 75 percent of its B vitamins, minerals, and fiber when it is milled into flour. Likewise, rice loses most of its vitamins, minerals, and fiber when it’s polished to turn it from brown to white. Even the soil that these and other plant-derived foods grow in is often nutrient-depleted.

Shoring Up with Supplements
All of us can take a giant leap toward longevity just by taking supplements. Supplementation not only protects against deficiency but also bridges the gap between average nutrition, which culminates in premature death, and optimum nutrition, which extends life span by decades. The extra nutrients that supplements provide prevent marauding free radicals from harming healthy cells, speed the repair and regeneration of damaged cells, and facilitate Renewal. The upshot of all this is a longer, healthier, more vital life.
Supplements are intended to enhance the nutrient density of your diet. By nutrient density, I mean the ratio of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients) to macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). The higher this ratio, the healthier your diet.
The Anti-Aging Diet, for instance, has a naturally top-notch nutrient density. Supplements boost the ratio even higher because they supply nothing but essential nutrients — no carbohydrates, protein, or fat.
The combination of a nutrient-dense diet and supplements creates an environment conducive to peak cellular performance. When your cells thrive, your body thrives — and that translates into extra decades of optimum health
So If your diet is lacking in a particular nutrient, one option is to use dietary supplements. Supplements can help you meet your recommended dietary intake (RDI), which is the daily amount of a nutrient your body needs in order to function and remain healthy.

I remain Da pretty herbalist

Food as medicine

I was talking to a group of people yesterday on the importance of eating good food, as food is medicine for the body. If you really want to achieve healthy living, it is necessary to be conscious of what goes into your mouth.. Did you know that blueberries can increase brain longevity? That kiwi fruit can be an excellent weapon for battling cancer and heart disease? That pears can help prevent fibroid tumors?

Before the introduction of modern medicine the ancient men relied solely on plants and Herbs to cure aliments, even our fathers did same too. I remember growing up in the 80s my grandfather hardly takes pill. Any time he is sick he will plug different leaves of plants, cook them, use their water to bath as well as drink them. He lived above 100 years. In three days you will see him up and running again.

This is also how we were treated of aliments like malaria fever then. My mum will cook different leaves of plants mix together Papaw , Mango, Dogoyaro ( Neem tree), and others We will use the substance to bath and the steam coming from the cooked leaves you will be made to inhale it. You will be covered with a blanket together with the pot of the boiled substances so that you can inhale the steam. This method was then very effective for malaria treatment.

These medicinal herbs are still with us today however our emphasis on orthodox Medical treatments have relegated our natural herbs and its values to the background. We need our scientist to really wake up.

It is very important that we learn more about the usefulness of plants and vegetables we call weeds in our backyard or by the side of our gate. You can treat illness with such plants. Plants you can grow as flowers in your compound are Rose, Marigold, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Hibiscus, Garden egg, Evening flower, Guava, Papaw, Water leaf, Okro, Pumpkin and other green Vegetables.

Some of the vegetables above are used both for food and medicine. A) Water leaf- This vegetable as we know is used for the preparation of Edikaikong (vegetable) soup, a Nigerian cuisine. If well prepared it acts as food and medicine.
Water leave is good for the treatment of indigestion, dry skin, bone problem, cardiovascular etc. B) Okro – this vegetable has a enough silicon and selenium which is food for the hair and skin. It is also medicinal food for impotent men.

C) Pumpkin this is a good provider of vitamin B, which gives strength while the seed is very rich in Vitamin E, which helps the reproductive and cardiovascular system.

D) Pawpaw the leaves is good for the treatment of malaria fever, indigestion while the seed can be used for the treatment of fever, ulcer and skin infection We will do a post on the medicinal values of our local plants in future. . We should take care to prepare our food in the Kitchen to enable the food retain its natural medicinal value. Wash your vegetable before you blend them. If you blend them before you wash which is what many people do, you have thrown away the medicinal value When you cook vegetables with high heat or fire, you have destroyed the medicinal value. It is time to go back to the basics to discover what made our grand, grand parents lived so long. It is time to go back to our herbs, our vegetables and fruits.Good morning from #daprettyherbalist

Fertility detox kit

Price: 13,500(quality over quantity)

Are You are sick of over the counter medicine?
You want to try something that fits into your more natural holistic lifestyle.
You want to have a vagina that is super fleeky. You want to release your past partner’s energy from your womb. You just want to be a queen more in tune with herself. What ever the reason is, you have found the Goddess of all detoxes. Our
Guifebao princess pearl Vaginal Detox Pearls ®
What Is It?
Guifebao princess pearl is A holistic all natural vaginal insert made with herbal ingredients to aid in womb health and vaginal cleansing.
Why Does My Vagina Need To Be Detoxed?
Isn’t It Self Cleaning?
Yes the vagina is self cleaning and does this function well when in optimal health. However many women are not in their most optimal heath due to stress, taking care of the world and more, eating fast food or food filled with GMOs, carrying years of emotional and or sexual trauma and being on birth control. If in optimal health many women would not experience having yeast infections, fibroids, infertility, cysts, bacterial vaginosis and more. Our Guifebao princess pearl Vaginal Detox Pearls® are meant to give women an all natural herbal option instead of a chemical one.
What Does It Do?
The herbal ingredients are absorbed into your body vaginally. The herbs work to aid in overall womb health and cleansing by working with the body to expel contents that may be working against the overall health of the womb and vaginal area.

Fertility detox

Sometime All That Is Needed Might Just Be Fertility Cleanser. And this might just be your Month

How Do Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cause Infertility?
Each month, when ovulation occurs, an egg is released from one of the ovaries. The egg travels from the ovary, through the tubes, and into the uterus. The sperm also need to swim their way from the cervix, through the uterus, and through the fallopian tubes to get the egg. Fertilization usually takes place while the egg is traveling through the tube.
If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.
Fallopian tube damage is a common cause of infertility and tubal ectopic pregnancy.
A fallopian tube blockage typically prevents successful passage of the egg to the sperm, or the fertilized egg to the uterus.
If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.

Why Fertility Detox Program?
Fertility cleansing helps to cleanse the entire reproductive system and increase circulation to the reproductive organs. Starting your natural fallopian tube therapy should begin with
fertility cleansing. The natural Organic products are absorbed into the body and go to work where they are needed. Fertility Cleansing creates a “clean slate” within the body that helps the body to respond and utilize other natural remedies better.
Getting Pregnant With Nature’s Organic And Natural Fertility Cleanse Is The Most Viable Way In This Age.

Order for your fertility kit today

Package includes





Benefits of papaya seeds

They Are Magical Cure For Gut, Kidney, Liver, Cancer and Many Other Diseases.

When we eat Papaya we usually throw away the seeds. You will change this habit when you will read how healthy they are, preventing and curing diseases related to the gut, liver, kidney, worms etc.
The following list will show the benefits of consuming Papaya seeds.

Papaya seeds are rich with nutrients that can heal cirrhosis of the liver. Crush 5 or 6 Papaya seeds and consume them with food, juice, especially lime juice. Repeat this for 30 days. Eating small amounts of seeds will protect and detox the liver.

2. Kidney Health
Experts at the Karachi University have found that seeds from Papaya can improve kidney health and also prevent renal failure. Papaya seeds can do wonders for diseases related to kidney poisoning.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, papaya seeds are great for joint disease, alleviating arthritis, pain, swelling and redness.

4. Antibacterial and Antiviral properties
Papaya seeds, even in small amounts can kill bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli and Staph. Also, they fight infections and cure Typhoid, Dengue and other harmful diseases. People in Nigeria drink milk with Papaya seeds as cure for Typhoid fever.
In Costa Rica the seeds are used to fight Dengue fever.

Making papaya juice:
Take 2 papaya leaves. Wash them and cut into tiny pieces. Pound the pulp and squeeze through a filter cloth. You can squeeze around 2 tablespoons of juice.
Consume 2 tablespoons once a day.

5. Arresting Cancer
Papaya seeds have agents that can stop the growth of tumors and cancer cells. They contain isothiocyanate, which helps with breast, colon, leukemia, lung and prostate cancer.

6. Destroys Parasites
Papaya seeds have an alkaloid named “Carpaine” that kills amoeba parasites and intestinal worms. Papaya fruit easy metabolizes proteins and that way make the gastrointestinal tract great place for parasites. Children in Nigeria after consuming Papaya seed juice for 7 days get rid of 75 % of parasites in their gut.

7. Natural Contraceptive
Papaya seeds are natural contraceptives for women and men, without any side effects. People in the Indian subcontinent and also in parts of Southeast Asia, have used papaya seeds and papaya fruit for centuries, as a form of birth control.

8. Aids Digestion
Papaya seeds are rich in the enzyme papain, which protects digestion and it is a great solution for women who want to get pregnant.
For men, consuming 1 teaspoon of Papaya seeds daily, for 3 months can reduce sperm production not affecting the libido. This effect is temporary, if men stop consuming Papaya seeds the fertility returns to normal.

How to consume papaya seeds:
Papaya seeds can be consumed raw, crushed or ground in milk, honey or salad dressings.
Side effects and possible warnings for using seeds from Papaya :
Besides, many health benefits, papaya seeds can be dangerous for pregnant women, and women that are breastfeeding. Papaya seeds can be too strong for gastrointestinal tract of babies and young children.

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