Feedback on Jigsimur

Still doubting on the efficacy of Jigsimur ? Don’t die in silence ,order a bottle of jigsimur and begin your journey to wellness

Get Jigsimur and Give your body the cleanse and power to fight off viruses and stubborn diseases with Jigsimur

Jigsimur is a herbal cleanser that purifies your blood and detox your body to withstand the daily effects of pollution of our environment, drinking water, substandard and junk food.

With Jigsimur Say Goodbye To Infertility, Lowsperm, lack of ovulation, conception challenges, blocked Fallopian tubes, fibroids, irregular menses, hormones imbalance weak erection prostate and infections

Price : 13500

Call: 08188576603, 09011933073


Jigsimur herbal tea

Gbagam! Jigsimur tea has landed and is available for just 6,500naira kpere!Looking for a healthy alternative to your tea?Get Jigsimur herbal tea and Give your body the cleanse and power to fight off viruses and stubborn diseases with JigsimurJigsimur is a herbal cleanser that purifies your blood and detox your body to withstand the daily effects of pollution of our environment, drinking water, substandard and junk food.With Jigsimur Say Goodbye To Infertility, Lowsperm, lack of ovulation, conception challenges, blocked Fallopian tubes, fibroids, irregular menses, hormones imbalance weak erection prostate and infectionsPrice : N6,500Call: 08188576603, 09011933073

Jigsimur herbal tea available

Gbagam! Jigsimur tea has landed and is available for just 6,500naira kpere!Looking for a healthy alternative to your tea?Get Jigsimur herbal tea and Give your body the cleanse and power to fight off viruses and stubborn diseases with JigsimurJigsimur is a herbal cleanser that purifies your blood and detox your body to withstand the daily effects of pollution of our environment, drinking water, substandard and junk food.With Jigsimur Say Goodbye To Infertility, Lowsperm, lack of ovulation, conception challenges, blocked Fallopian tubes, fibroids, irregular menses, hormones imbalance weak erection prostate and infectionsPrice : N6,500Call: 08188576603, 09011933073

Jigsimur Herbal Tea now available

Gbagam! Jigsimur tea has landed and is available for just 6,500naira kpere!Looking for a healthy alternative to your tea?Get Jigsimur herbal tea and Give your body the cleanse and power to fight off viruses and stubborn diseases with JigsimurJigsimur is a herbal cleanser that purifies your blood and detox your body to withstand the daily effects of pollution of our environment, drinking water, substandard and junk food.With Jigsimur Say Goodbye To Infertility, Lowsperm, lack of ovulation, conception challenges, blocked Fallopian tubes, fibroids, irregular menses, hormones imbalance weak erection prostate and infectionsPrice : N6,500Call: 08188576603, 09011933073

Ask da pretty herbalist

Having this symptoms? Or having any health challenges and looking for an alternative and holistic approach TO WELLNESS?



Don’t forget to shop for all your supplements and health needs from our store @bejoliehealthstore

Distributors wanted nationwide become a jigsimur distributor

Hi ,
I hope you are doing well today and not consumed by the stress of our country nigeria,well without taking too much of your time
i would like to introduce you to a business opportunity that is suitable for everyone whether you are a worker, house wife, business man or woman and even a multi-level marketer

this is not a rich quick scheme because even the bible says we must labor for our bread so this will also require your time and effort,

many of you may have heard of various network marketing companies that make mouth watering promises but never keep them, some even fold up even before or after you have qualified for the incentives
i have had that experience so i know how it feels, that feeling of being used after a company gives you target to meet up or qualify for an incentive and maybe due to some little problems or inability few points you lose out of the incentive or after working hard for a month and didn’t remember or were unable to make your monthly personal pv for that month you lose your bonus/commission of course i know how it feels

but i am offering you an opportunity to invest and become a distributor of a company who has put into consideration the feelings of its members knowing the harsh state of the economy in our present day Nigeria and also knowing that it is not easy to spend your time, effort, money and airtime to recruits people only to have nothing to show for it at the end of the day.
With this company you don’t have to worry about

– Target in qualifying for trips/cars and other incentives

-loosing your bonus if you don’t remember to make your monthly pv

A company with a very easy marketing and compensation plan with very simple
Steps to follow inorder to benefit

it is my pleasure to introduce and invite you to become a member of the Jigsimur
Register and be a part of my team in the Jigsimur business today, I am looking to meet and work with only aggressive hardworking networkers and people from all works of life who are passionate

About succeeding so if you are that person would love to hear from you

just like me you may have your doubts due to past experiences or inexperience but I tell you it’s worth the short and I can assure you that you would be glad you joined and I can authoritatively tell you that if you join Jigsimur ,

we work hard as a team and follow all the guidelines and instructions if after 6months you don’t see a huge difference in your finances then I will gladly refund every money you spent to join that’s how confident I am and you can quote me anywhere,
please take note this is not a rich quick scheme it requires team efforts and if you’re not ready or 100% sure you want to excel then please don’t contact me because I believe in team work and hard work and I am looking to work with people from different states and neighborhoods
if want to be part of this vision then contact me

The definition of ‘Teamwork’ is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Are working as part of the team?
Remember, as individuals we all have strengths and weaknesses, however when you put individuals together to work as a team you can acquire the skills and support required to achieve great things.
How to become a distributor?
Very easy

All you have to do is register with just 48,500naira and get 4 big bottles of Jigsimur and we are in business
Call me on: 09011933073 or 08188576603


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Price: N9,500

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Got Any questions on supplements or health concerns?

Ask ” da pretty herbalist “

Superdose available

Oga kpatakpata for herbal products. A good product speaks for itself. Have you been nursing any ailment for sometimes now? Have you virtually used all suggested products and it persist? Has your ailment defiled all medications? Then worry no more get a cup of superdose today and experience the difference. Keep your immune system at 100% heathy status, get your body detoxified and keep fit with superdose. Are u suffering from any of the following? High blood pressure, malaria, diabetes, ulcer, Arthritis, eye problem, infertility, weak erection, cough, heart problem, etc. Superdose will bring you back to nature. Its affordable. A trial will convince you.

Price- 5,000naira only send a message now

Signs Of A Toxic Body – Your Body Is Screaming For Help!

The Way You Look And Feel Is Determined By The Health Of Your Internal Body Environment”
wondering What do I mean?
Looking fit is not the same with being healthy. In fact looking fit may be an incubation period for a disease brewing up and waiting to wreck havoc on ones health in the near future.
An incubation period is a period of time that it takes for a disease to grow from exposure to the signs of symptoms and manifestation.
Though in most cases, a fit person may actually be healthy, but not in all cases. So our focus should be on being Fit and Healthy.
I’m going to use a powerful illustration to show you exactly what is going on in the body of over 90% of people living today.
Imagine living in a house that all the doors and windows are locked. There is no air conditioning system. The toilet can not be flushed because there is no water, and the garbage in your waste basket can not be thrown away.
If you live inside this house for 5 days, what do you think the place would smell like?
The putrid smell of waste from the toilet and dust bin would overwhelm the whole house, making it very unpleasant for every breath of air.
Overtime, deadly bacteria and a swarm of big house flies from the toilet will start taking over. Before you know it, maggots will start creeping out because of the moist but dirty environment.
In fact the whole scene would be like those horror movies where you see a dead body rotting and smelling with plenty of maggots all over the place.
Very disgusting isn’t it?
Well, that is exactly what is happening inside your body right now if you are unable to remove the build up of toxins and waste in your system. And believe me, this is happening inside almost everyone around you – including yourself.
Scary isn’t it?
Our liver is toxic and had become very sluggish as a result of too much work put on it overtime by the consumption of unhealthy chemicals from alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, pollution, sugar, smoking-including second-hand smoke, and pesticides.
In fact, the modern world has made our liver to be overworked, that is why most people have problem expelling waste from their bodies and this has contributed in the build up of toxins to be stored in the fat cells.
Some of the signs of this problem are:
Releasing of putrid gas – Farting
Bloated tummy
Tiredness after climbing a stair case or doing a little work
If this is happening to you, it means that the waste in your body is not properly evacuated the way it should.
When you have build up of waste still remaining in your body, it spills this dangerous toxins back into the blood stream which increases the chance for a colon cancer.
Unfortunately, this is happening to majority of the people all over the place, and most likely, you too.
Fortunately, there is a way out.
Before that, below are signs of a toxic body system.

4 Signs Of A Toxic Body – Your Body Is Screaming For Help!
There are lots of signs, but the ones mentioned below are the foremost. If your body is telling you that you are not feeling fine on the outside, then know that it is worst on the inside.

1. Fat & Weight Gain
To protect your vital organs and blood vessels against the damage of acid and toxic buildup, your body relies on fat to stores these deadly toxins. Even if you are on a weight loss diet and you exercise, your body will try to hold on to this fat because it is needed for protection against excess toxicity.

2. Weak Bones & Arthritis
The bone is made strong by the presence of calcium. When the body and blood stream becomes too acidic because of the presence of toxic overload, it begins to “suck” calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity in your body. Over time, this drains the bones of sufficient calcium to remain strong and this eventually leads to Osteoporosis, a condition that causes Arthritis.

3. Heart Disease
Heart disease occurs when there is a problem in the arteries supplying blood to the heart. Build up of toxins causes the blood to become acidic. Normally you know what acid does to a person’s face when the person receives an acid bath, it destroys the person’s skin.
In the same vein acid in the blood causes the arteries to have “cuts” along the arteries, but because the body has a natural healing process, it uses good cholesterol to ‘patch’ these “cuts” so that normal blood and oxygen flow resumes.
However, overtime if the acidity in the blood is not controlled it will get problematic and an occurence of high blood pressure can take place which may lead to a diseased heart. Uncontrolled high blood pressure leads to heart attack or stroke.

4. Rapid Aging
Have you ever seen a 50 year old man who already looks old and another 60 year old person who looks 15 years younger?

The cause is a toxic body. When the cells of the body have surpassed their toxic limit, they will no longer be able to store those toxins in the fat cells anymore. When these happens, the person tends to start growing wrinkles in his 40s.
types of detoxifiers

Natural detoxifiers: this are from natural foods we Eat such – fruits and vegetables

And also detox herbal teas and supplements such as:

– Jigsimur

– Kuding tea

-intestine cleansing tea
-chitosan capsules

-colon cleanser

To order any of our detoxifiers

Call: 08188576603 or 09011933073