Put an end to fibroids today

36 FIBROIDS found in a Wombman’s womb. 36!
😔 SAY NO TO #SOY (which is in mostly EVERYTHING! BY DESIGN!

Do you want to know why #doctors never tell you that you can #heal #endometriosis?

Do you want to know why doctors never tell you how to naturally dissolve fibroids with #herbs?

Do you want to know why your gyn is so quick to put you on birth control to “regulate” your cycle?

Do you want to know why your #obgyn prescribes #birthcontrol for “family planning”? The irony in that because birth control causes #infertility.

Do you want to know why your doctor wants to removed your #fibroids along with YOUR ENTIRE WOMB ?

It is a BUSINESS! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR WELL BEING. THEY BANK 3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR BY PERFORMING #HYSTERECTOMIES! Each year, about 560,000 wombmen in the United States undergo a #hysterectomy – a rate that is among the world’s highest. 😔
Listen…this surgery ranks behind cesareans the SECOND MOST COMMON surgery among wombmen in the United States.

The uterus is an integral part of the body’s #endocrinesystem it continues to perform essential functions even after #menopause. Not only does it respond to hormones and creates a few compounds of its own like beta-endorphins, the body’s innate painkillers, and a type of prostaglandin called prostacyclin, which inhibits #bloodclotting. The loss of this source of prostacyclin could help explain why women who have had hysterectomies are prone to CARDIOVASCULAR problems. 😔

No one tells us that we can heal our #wombs with a change in lifestyle. Instead they tell us that our womb issues are irreversible and that it MUST be removed. The foods we consume are #toxic…the #feminine products we use are toxic…to name a few. There are so many changes we could make as wombmen to heal ourselves without removing the most sacred part of our bodies!

Stop fibroids with our fibroids without surgery kit!

Order your fibroids without surgery supplements programme treatment kits

Call: 09011933073

Jigsimur distributor now in Akure!

We are pleased to inform you that we now have a Jigsimur distributor in Akure!

My wonderful Akure people can now get Jigsimurfied!

Call Mr Afolabi : 08150740538( Akure)

And dont forget if you are in Jos and its environs you can order your Jigsimur from distributor in Jos

PST.Serge : 08167085940 (JOS)

Get Jigsimurized!

Distributors wanted nationwide!

Call/WhatsApp: 09011933073 for more info

Fibroids without surgery

Oestrogen dominance is the cause of fibroid, breast cancer etc.
Taking contraceptives flood the body with o estrogen..including junk foods, poultry, aerosol,cosmetics etc.

there are various types of fibroids •Intramural-grows on d walls of womb •Subserosal -grows outside d womb wall •Submucosal -grows on d inside womb •Pedunculated fibroid-grows on stalks.

Effects of Fibroid •miscarriage

Medical surgery of removing fibroid is very expensive, life-threatening. And sometimes, they’re not able to accommodate fetus…INFERTILITY!

Here’s a very healthy, cost-effective & natural organic way to evacuate fibroid without any harm to your body anatomy. Imagine you shrinking or giving birth to
That’s what happen.

COMBINATION THERAPY involves product of biotechnology & scientific distillation according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and a abit of Traditional African medicine
This regulate
the “yin & yang to balance, dredge governor vessel,replenish yin & blood to clear heat, eliminate waste& toxins in d body etc.. This helps for:
•clearing & detoxification
•removes necrosis & promote granulation, repair
damaged birth canal, regain elasticity etc
•restores vigor, sexual desire, postpone menopause,relieve vaginal dryness
•beautify & nourishing, anti-aging, bring out infinite charm of a woman
•ovarian & reproductive issues
•infections/unpleasant odor
•boost fertility
•all gynecological issues

After fixing these issues, all you need every month afterwards is maintenance to keep you healthy and protected from future regrowth. You probably would feel like a near-virgin again..smooth and a woman!

So depending on the size, number and location of the fibroid so ensure you run test to answer all these questions.

Have u seen live fibroid “birthed” before?

I want to know which is your challenge and please specify and be true to self.

Ensure you share this to friends, sisters,colleague…

Someone health is in danger & sad!

Call and order fibroids without surgery supplements programme kit

(Don’t ignore this post please!) Call/Whatsapp us today: 09011933073


Thank you Ghana!

Ghana I hail o!!

first time customers
All the way from ghana

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you!

We truly appreciate you!

We currently deliver to the following countries


– UK

– Dubai

-south Africa

– Madrid

– Ghana

No matter your location in the world we get your orders across to you!

5days promo on vigpower

still on the 5days Promo matter

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5days promo on roots

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5 days Jigsimur promo!! Buy 4 and save

ISSA 5 days promo !!!!!! This is the opportunity you have been waiting
So let’s get you jigsimurized!!!! order 4 bottles of Jigsimur for 48,800naira instead of 52,000naira and save 3,200naira !!! That’s 12,200naira per bottle instead of 13,000 per bottle
payments validates orders!!! Promo ends
tuesday 14th may
Take advantage and get jigsimurfied !
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ISSA 5 days promo !!!!!! This is the opportunity you have been waiting
So let’s get you jigsimurized!!!! order 4 bottles of Jigsimur for 48,800naira instead of 52,000naira and save 3,200naira !!! That’s 12,200naira per bottle instead of 13,000 per bottle
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ISSA 5 days promo !!!!!! This is the opportunity you have been waiting

So let’s get you jigsimurized!!!! order 4 bottles of Jigsimur for 48,800naira instead of 52,000naira and save 3,200naira !!! That’s 12,200naira per bottle instead of 13,000 per bottle

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Take advantage and get jigsimurfied !

Call: 09011933073 to order!ISSA 5 days promo !!!!!! This is the opportunity you have been waiting
So let’s get you jigsimurized!!!! order 4 bottles of Jigsimur for 48,800naira instead of 52,000naira and save 3,200naira !!! That’s 12,200naira per bottle instead of 13,000 per bottle
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Distributors and healthpreneurs wanted nationwide

Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.am ready to make atleast 20 people become self employed through the Stem cell platform with just a minimum start up capital of 50,000naira,let me show you the true definition of leverage, Only interested and serious business minded people who have their start up capital ready should contact me as training will begin immediately dont miss this biz opportunity that will change your life forever call: 08188576603 or 09011933073

Business packages options
– 50,000naira

Please i am interested in only focused, serious minded people who are ready to committ 3-6months of their time let’s work together as a team

This opportunity is opened to healthpreneurs and everyone interested in succeeding!

Jigsimur Health in a cup this Ramadan!

The month of Ramadan is upon us. Muslims around the world will be fasting from sunrise to sunset, that means no food or drink (yes not even water) during daylight hours.

When observing Ramadan, it is important, especially for busy professionals, to maintain healthy, nutritious eating habits. The ninth month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is a month of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide.

Here are ten tips to help you stay fit and healthy during this holy month

1. Don’t skip ‘sahur’
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In the same way, the meal that is eaten before dawn, sahur, is essential during Ramadan. The meal fuels your body and helps your body stay hydrated until your next meal at ‘iftar’. It will also keep you from overeating when you break your fast at sunset.

2. Balanced meals only
Let your meal at sahur be well-balanced. It should contain complex, slow-releasing carbohydrates like oats, wheat or lentils that will give you a feeling of fullness for the rest of the day and keep your blood sugar steady. The meal should also be high in fibre (cereals, fruits and vegetables), and proteins (eggs, meat, yoghurt and cheese) to keep you hydrated and energised throughout the day.

3. Don’t overindulge
It is very tempting to overindulge in all the foods you may have been craving during the day, but it is important to break your fast slowly. Start with some water and a few dates, which are a good source of energy for the body and help secrete digestive enzymes in preparation for your main meal, which you can eat after waiting a while. Let your main meal contain a lot of vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Avoid fats and heavy oils. Make sure you eat your meal slowly to give your body time to digest the food.

4. Soups are good!
Thin soups should be a regular food on your iftar meals. They are easy to make, warm and soothing to the stomach. They are also a great source of fluids, vitamins and minerals. You can add colourful vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers and fresh herbs. Also, limit the amount of salt and oil you use to prepare them.

5. Stay hydrated
Drink a lot of fluids between the period of iftar and suhoor. This will help you stay hydrated during your fast. Although milk, soup and juices are sources of fluids, water is the best choice. Make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water every day and consume other drinks in moderation.

6. Avoid caffeinated drinks
Caffeine is a diuretic. What this means is that it stimulates faster loss of water and that leads to dehydration. Avoid caffeinated drinks like strong tea, cola or coffee, or drink them in moderation.

7. Cut down on processed, fatty and sugary foods
Heavily processed foods that contain refined carbohydrates like white flour and sugar are high in fat and low in nutrients. They should be avoided during Ramadan as your body needs all the nutrients it can possibly get.

8. Avoid deep frying
Try your best to avoid fried foods or those prepared with large quantities of oil. If you cannot avoid frying the food, you can reduce the quantity of oil used or use monosaturated fats like sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil. We do not recommend olive oil for frying foods.

9. Avoid working out while fasting
It is best to leave your working out until after the fasting hours. This is to avoid dehydration. We suggest that you work out after iftar when you can rehydrate as often as possible and your energy levels are up. Before you begin your exercise session, give your body enough time (about two to three hours) to digest the food properly. Don’t forget to hydrate throughout your workout and drink a lot of water afterwards. Staying hydrated is important during exercise as water regulates the body temperature, lubricates the joints and transports nutrients throughout the body.

10. Consult your doctor if you have a physical condition
Before Ramadan, older Muslims, pregnant women, children, individuals taking medication and others with medical conditions should consult their doctors and adapt their fasting to the advice given.

Ramadan Kareem!

P.S: A box of our Jigsimur herbal tea will come in handy as a healthy alternative to for you and your loved ones to maintain your overall health

Drink it, recommend it and gift it to your Muslim friends and loved ones

Order a pack of jigsimur herbal tea for just now for just N6,500

It’s Simply health in a cup!

Call: 08188576603 or 09011933073