Get rid of ulcer permanently


What is Mebo GI?

The Mebo gastrointestinal (GI) is a Natural Health Product which restores your health from within, keeps you strong, fast, as well as increase your IQ, among others.

Mebo GI regenerates and rejuvenates the entire body and heals ailments. The Mebo GI releases stem cells into the gastrointestinal area, to aid body healing and regeneration of every cell and tissue in your body.

Ever heard of the saying that you are as healthy as your gut? Well, this magic sounds like a witch doctor who claims to have a solution for everything. Only that Mebo GI actually touches every part of your body AND IT STARTS WITH YOUR GUT.

The stemcell properties of Mebo GI renew the body cells and tissue which is said to be responsible for the various benefits of GI from healing the body internally and externally and slowing down withering of the body, leaving one looking decades younger and feeling youthful and stronger.

Mebo GI is patented in over 43 Countries including USA, South Africa, Korea, Russia, Nigeria, China, EU etc. Some of the ingredients include Scutellaria, Propolis, Seasam Oil and other select organic foods.

Functions of Mebo GI :

a) When taken with Vision Vitale and Betacaroten, Mebo GI has showed evidence of improved vision/ sight after a continuous use of at-least 3 months.

b) Those with metabolism disorders, gastrointestinal problems including ulcers have reported total recovery following the use of Mebo GI for 3 months. Relief is noticeable in just ten days.

c) Mebo GI promotes quick wound healing when swallowed and applied topically. This includes surgery wounds and burns.

d) Its regeneration and rejuvenation properties restore lives of individuals damaged by alcohol, smoking and substance abuse.

e) Mebo GI when combined with Immune Vital, Noripad and PROPOLIS-LECITHIN is reported to shrink tumors in the body including enlarged prostate and fibroids.

f) Mebo GI was tested on animals and it was confirmed that animals fed on Mebo GI live many years longer and age at a slower rate compared to other animals of the same specie.

g) In humans, Mebo GI has been found to slow aging of the body and makes those taking it regularly for more than a year appear and feel a decade or more younger than their actual age and people of their age bracket.

h) People taking Mebo GI have a sharper brain and think clearer. Students and deadline workers will experience improved intelligence when taking Mebo GI.

i) Its stemcell properties arrests hair balding and helps to regrow hair when applied topically on the scalp in combination with swallowing for a period of not less than 6 month.

j) It helps those with weak immune system, who experience frequent infections, body pain and fatigue. Those with weak immunity inclusive those with HIV and cancer should combine Mebo GI with Immune plus, immune vital and peptide. It is also recommended to take the Norland detox pack that washes out dead cells from the body in a period of 90 days.

k) Via stemcell regeneration, Mebo GI is able to regrow severed fingers, burnt and damaged skin if applied to the affected area and swallowed few days following the burns or damage to the skin. It also heals broken bones.

l) Mebo GI was reported to have regenerated the heart of an old man within 6 months.

m) When combined with Immune Vital and peptide Mebo GI normalises cholesterol levels. And when combined with PROPOLIS-LECITHIN, hypoglycemic, and immune vital it brings down blood sugar levels and hypertension.

n) Mebo GI when taken in the morning suppresses the urge to over eat and consequently manages weight gain.

o) People taking Mebo GI have a glowing skin, they look and feel bright and beautiful from within. Mebo GI can also be supplemented with the cellspa silk facial mask overnight for the ultimate all day facial glow that will leave u with a sparkling baby face.
p) Mebo GI’s stemcell regeneration effect heals wounds in the mouth and the throat. When combined with Norland toothpaste, it removes bad smell that comes from both the mouth and deep down the gastrointestinal system and also removes teeth sensitivity and cavities.

q) Mebo GI boosts skin lift, prevents wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, and makes the skin glow when mixed in your daily lotion.

r) It regrows hair and arrests balding if applied topically and swallowed.

s) Mebo GI can be combined with Immune Vital to give men sexual vitality in men. When combined with the Nouripad male pad, it boost libido in women.

t) For fertility in women, combine Mebo GI with betacaroten, calcium zinc iron supplement, the Nouripad and peptide to clean the reproductive system and increase chances of ovulation. Women have reported pregnancies within 3 months of using this combination. Please consult a doctor to first understand the cause of the infertility.

u) For fertility in men, take Mebo GI with the Noripad, calcium zinc and iron supplement with Immune vital for strong and healthy sperms.

v) Mebo GI can be used for hemorrhoids in combination with the Nouripad for men.

w) Mebo GI is very effective is relieving joint pain and arthritis. Use it with peptide to better results.

x) Mebo GI may protect against all forms of cancer due to it’s cell renewal effect. It is also said to protect against hypertension, diabetes and organ failure.

y) Mebo GI relieves constipations

z) Combine GI with immune plus for auto immune disorder
The Product is Suitable for all ages, but not suitable for those who are allergic to Sesami Oil and pregnant women.

Price: #16,800
To place order the products,
Call/WhatsApp : 09011933073


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Prevention is cheaper than cure

Don’t wait for sickness before paying attention to your health. Many have gone bankrupt for health reasons. This is avoidable!
Our Bejolie detox and stay healthy combo is an everyday health & lifestyle product designed to keep you healthy and full of life everyday.
Contains powerful antioxidant properties that makes it effective in helping your body perform at its best, preventing health issues from arising, repairing damages in the body, eliminating toxins and consequently, takes care of a wide range of health issues.
Prevention is not only better than cure, it is Cheaper! Order a combo today!

Call: 09011933073 to order yours

Comes in various combos and price range

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Medium- N28,000naira
Small: N25,000naira

Available for men and women

Remember your health is an investment not an expense, you can choose to invest in your health today or your sickness tomorrow

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Ginko max

GINGKO MAX has the following

– improves blood flow to the brain and extremities and blood fluidity.
– relieves from dizzines, tinnitus, headache, weakness, depression, memory problems
– improves cognitive functioning and and mood general
– enhances the metabolism of glucose and utilization of oxygen in your brain
– improves neurotransmitter binding in your brain
– improves circulation in Raynaud’s syndrome
– an anti-ischemic properties
– stress protective properties
– decreases general inflammation allergy asthma.

Price N6,500

Call: 09011933073 to order

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Supplements yarn -coenzyme q10

CoQ10 supplements offer an enormity of health benefits. From a healthy heart to extra energy, more and more people are finding reasons to add CoQ10 supplements into their diets.

But which are the best CoQ10 supplements?

Well, I have the answers! On everything you need to know about this trendy nutrient.

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10, often shortened
(abbreviated to CoQ10) is similar to a vitamin

Coenzyme Q10 is a heart health powerhouse. , an enzyme that the body naturally produces to facilitate important functions including electron transport and blood pressure regulation

It’s produced in the body and used for energy and to maintain healthy cells. CoQ10 is a natural antioxidant and can be found in many foods.

Coenzyme Q10 ( CoQ10 ). Your body naturally makes small amounts of this enzyme, also known as ubiquinone and ubiquinol.

As a supplement, CoQ10 may help lower blood pressure, either on its own or along with medications.

Other studies have found that adding it to heart failure drugs may help people feel better day to day.

CoQ10 pills are also popular as a treatment for the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins.


These meds can sometimes lower the amount of CoQ10 the body makes on its own.

Some doctors suggest adding a CoQ10 supplement to make up for the loss, hoping it will relieve problems like muscle pain and weakness.

Coenzyme Q10 is also available as a supplement

Coenzyme Q10 is available in two forms.

1. Ubiquinol is the active antioxidant form.

2. Ubiquinone is the oxidized form which the body partially converts to ubiquinol.

When it comes to supplements, it is advisable to avoid ubiquinone as your body has to work extra hard just to recognize it and convert it into a form it can use

Hope you found this helpful?

Remember to always consult a supplements expert/ practitioner/doctor before supplementing on Coenzyme Q10

@ bejoliehealthstore we sell the best organic practitioners brand of Coenzyme Q10

Price: 8,800naira

To order: 09011933073



Benefit of fish oil supplements to women with PCOS

Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that may help relieve some conditions associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

These are essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce and can only come from diet or supplementation.
Studies show fish oil can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, lowering your chance of heart attack, stroke, or another cardiac event. This is important because of the
increased risk for heart disease that exists in women with PCOS.

Women with PCOS almost certainly have one or more of these conditions. As a result, our bodies are very inefficient at conversion and we have low levels of EPA/DHA.
Fish oil avoids this problem because it already contains EPA/DHA. No transformation is necessary, so no nutrients are lost.
In addition, fish oil has been shown to ease period pain, aid in weight loss, reduce insulin resistance and improve moods, and may even help to prevent miscarriage in certain women
These essential fatty acids are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and are a building block for hormones that regulate blood clotting and inflammation.
Most diet tends to be lacking in omega-3 fats, while also being heavy on omega-6 fats

Women with PCOS should reduce consumption of omega-6 fats while increasing omega-3 intake
Adding Fish Oil to Your Diet
To get the health benefits of omega-3 rich fish oil in your diet and improve your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, you can take fish oil supplements or simply eat more fish.
The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of cold-water fish a week.

Mackerel, tuna, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, bluefish, anchovy, sardines, herring, trout, and menhaden are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, providing about 1 gram of essential fats per 3.5 ounce serving.

But be sure to prepare them grilled or broiled, not fried, to preserve their benefits.
Taking Fish Oil Supplements
Fish oil is quite safe and is generally well tolerated for most people, including pregnant and breastfeeding women when taken in low doses (less than 3 grams per day).
Other benefits of fish oil are :
Improved insulin sensitivity
Reduction of hirsutism
regulation of menstrual cycles
reduction in liver fat content
reduction in testosterone levels
reduction of inflammation
decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease
Fish Oil is certainly an integral part of PCOS treatment. I encourage you to speak with your doctor or supplement expert and try adding high quality fish oil
There is currently no widely accepted recommended daily amount for adult women. However, the National Institutes of Health reports that studies suggest the following fish oil doses may be helpful for a variety of conditions:
When taking fish oil supplements, some people may experience uncomfortable side effects, such as fishy burps
But i suggest you :
Talk to Your Doctor

Prior to taking fish oil, you should speak with your doctor or supplement expert to determine if supplementing is right for you and how much you should take

Patients who are on blood thinners like aspirin, Lovenox, coumadin or heparin, should not take fish oil as it may increase the risk of bleeding

Patients taking medication for high blood pressure should also use caution when taking fish oil as the combination may lower blood pressure too much.

Birth control pills may interfere with the triglyceride -lowering effects of fish oil and women should use caution when combining these drugs.

Dosages for taking fish oil for various health conditions
High triglycerides: 1 to 4 grams per day

High blood pressure : 4 grams per day
Preventing miscarriage in women with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and a history of miscarriage: 5.1 grams of fish oil per day with a 1.5 EPA:DHA ratio.
Painful menstrual periods: a daily dose of EPA 1080 mg and DHA 720 mg.
Weight loss: a daily serving of 2 to 7 ounces of fish containing approximately 3.65 grams of omega-3 fatty acids

Depression: 9.6 grams per day along with conventional antidepressants
Do not take fish oil supplements if you are allergic to fish.
It is also important that you purchase your fish oil from a reputable company who has been verified by independent laboratory analysis that their product is free from chemical contamination
Was this page helpful?
We sell the best practitioners brand fish oil capsules for just

Price: N7,500 only( 100caps)

Call: 09011933073 to order


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Addressing one of the frequently asked questions by customers

What is a supplements treatment program combo?

A supplement treatment program consist of a combination of herbal medicinal products and supplements for the either the treatments, prevention or control of a health related problem/conditions

Combo programmes are usually to be taken for a minimum of 3 months – 6months and 12months and after wish patients are to be re-evaluted and asked to run medical test in order to monitor treatment progress

For a free consultation and to get your own 100% supplements treatments program combo to improve your health

Call: 09011933073

Cardio power – N5,600


Cardio Power Capsule has the aroma of precious herbs that are the extract of the root of red-rooted salvia and psuedo-ginseng

It diffuses through the bio-membrane as well as blood-brain barrier, representing itself as a suitable choice for first aid

The mechanism of World Brand Cardio Power Capsule is to:

* improve blood-oxygen supply;
* increase coronary blood flow;
* reduce the resistance of proximal blood vessel;
* improve blood deficiency.
It is very effective to:
* Reduce the burden of heart and its oxygen consumption;
* Expand the coronary artery;
* Alleviate the chest stuffiness, suffocation, pericardia pain;
* Prevent angina, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction;
* Treat coronary heart disease

The other mechanism of World Brand Cardio Power Capsule is to:

* Reduce blood viscosity,
* Improve microcirculation and
* Prevent atherosclerosis.

Price: N5,600naira

Call: 09011933073
